You Can Create Your Own Spiritual Traditions
As I’ve gotten older, I have fallen in love with creating new traditions. I love how you can create your own spiritual traditions during the holidays, or at any time of the year.
Growing up, I never gave a second thought aboutΒ the Winter Solstice. It was something that happened on the journey to Christmas. The extent of my “paying homage” to the solstice was wondering – and never actually trying – if I could balance an egg on one end.
Now the element of ritual is still important to me. Perhaps it’s a throwback to my upbringing with countless days sitting in shellacked wooden pews attending highly prescribed Catholic Mass every Sunday.
Perhaps it’s a desire to connect with myself and my own longing for a sense of tradition that I create with loved ones and friends.
But this time of year has become symbolic to me for so many reasons.
It’s more than just spending time with family. With the number of holidays that fall around this time of year…I realized that they’re all connected.
They are connected around the idea of Light.
A winter star
Sharpie on paper
December 18 – A week before Christmas
This day, only a week before Christmas, actually starts a tradition of celebrating in my own family. It’s my husband’s birthday.
This is the first year I’ve done this, but we’re celebrating a birthday week. It started the night before with a candlelight dinner and a favorite TV series on Netflix.
Sunday was a rainy walk around Lake Junaluska, a reservoir about 2.5 miles the whole way around.
This followed with dinner with J’s family.
Monday heralded another present: a t-shirt I knew he’d love. Tuesday were two other little presents: a hand salve from Burt’s Bees and some kitchen gadgets.Β I continued to give these little gifts through Saturday.
“Why are you doing this? I’ve never been so spoiled,” J asked me.
I just said that I’m starting a new tradition and honoring him with 7 days of celebrating going around the sun for another year.
I suppose it’s a way to set off winter’s entry with a sense of celebration, as opposed to foreboding.
I sayΒ that because if I don’t mind my thoughts, I tend to think of winter only as a means of tolerance so that I can enjoy the other three seasons.
But I’m consciously changing those presumptive sentiments. I’m welcoming winter differently this year.
And well, this isn’t a specific holiday related to light, but husby’s birthday kicks off a series of celebrations that come right after.
Winter Solstice
The Solstice is the harbinger of winter.
It’s technically the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
For our Southern Hemisphere-dwelling folks, it’s the longest day of the year for them.
Interestingly, it’s not the actualΒ day that is considered the solstice, but it’s the moment the Sun is aboveΒ the Tropic of Capricorn and farthest from the equator.
The wordΒ solstice is derived from the Latin words for “sol” – light, andΒ “sistere” – to stand. The sun seemingly stands still in the sky at its zenith in the Tropic of Capricorn and then descends.
Culture after culture studied this phenomenon and built monuments to it: Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Stonehenge, and Bighorn Medicine Wheel, to name just a few.
Going Within
In wanting to celebrate winter, I’ve started creating a family ritual on this day: to mark the days getting longer, to use it as an opportunity to look within, and to symbolically embrace the cold days of winter knowing that I will emerge in the spring full of energy from the mellow days of percolation beforehand.
For the first part of this ritual, we celebrated with a hike. (Take a look at the video I posted on the Blue Ridge Parkway on Intuitive and Spiritual’s Facebook page.)
It was an after-work hike, together with our doggie, along the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway. We hiked until we could see the setting sun, and then headed back.
Upon arriving home, we continued the commemoration by creating our own solstice ceremony.
Solstice Ceremony
- Get all interested friends, family or just yourself for the ceremony.
- GatherΒ necessary materials: candles and matches, a feather, sage, and sweetgrass (these last two items can be purchased at organic grocery stores or other places that sell Native American Indian items).
- Light one main candle. Turn out all electrical lights.
- If you’re by yourself, begin with a moment of gratitude. Become conscious of what you’re thankful for. You can say the top three things you’re thankful for out loud if you want. If you’re with friends, they do the same. Take a moment to offer up gratitude in silence, as well.
- Then, whether you’re by yourself or not, think of someone who is special to you. Send that person thoughts of gratitude. You can choose to say out loud your thoughts of gratitude toward that person or keep them to yourself.
- Think of the oncoming winter months. Reflect on how this is a time to turn within. Think about something you would like to work on for yourself. Be gentle and kind to yourself with these thoughts.
- Now, take the sageΒ stick. Light it in the main candle. With a feather, waft the smoke of the sage around your body. While doing that, say aloud, “Sacred Sage, please banish all negative energy from this space. With the rising smoke, I send up my thoughts of gratitude.” Do the same if there are others in your group.
- Next, take the sweetgrass stick. Light it with the flame of the candle. With a feather, waft the smoke of the sweetgrass all around your body. Say aloud, “Sacred sweetgrass, please welcome all positive energy to this space. With the rising smoke, I send my intentions above.”
- Now, light all the candles in honor of the Solstice and of the positive energy you have created. Take some time in silence to center yourself, not speak, and reflect on your gratitude and intentions.
- When ready, hug yourself and/or the other members of your group. Continue about your regular activities, leaving the candles lit (and well attended).
This is another celebration – a festival of lights.
The dates to celebrate this day vary from late November to late December. Those who celebrate this day begin lighting the menorah.
This day was one in which a Jewish struggle for religious freedom culminated withΒ Maccabees (a Jewish army) who wereΒ able to rise up and triumph against Greek-Syrian rulers in 167 BCE.
For three years they fought and finally the Maccabees gained control of Jerusalem.
In celebration, Jewish folks went to “rededicate” (Hanukkah’s meaning) their temple. Only having enough sacred (kosher) oil for one night, it burned for eight nights, allowing people just enough time to create another batch of the sacred oil to light the hanukkiyah (menorah).
Each day, one candle on the hanukkiyahΒ is lit, in honor of the eight days the oil lasted after the Maccabee uprising.
Adam Sandler has a great, comical Hanukkah song he created to let Jewish kiddos have another song to sing besides Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel and Christmas songs that they hear all around them:
Celebrating Christmas
Perhaps Christmas is a traditional holiday for you or your family. Perhaps you’re not Christian but still celebrate Christmas because you like to participate in a culture that does celebrate this day.
TheΒ timeΒ of year that Christmas is celebrated is interesting, though.
Before Christianity took hold, the Romans celebrated Saturnalia around the time of the Winter Solstice. They celebrated for days with lights and festivals – until around December 25.
It was post-harvest and the darkest part of winter.
The people just wanted some cheering up.
Saturnalia, the Solstice and Christmas
In AD 312, Constantine converted to Christianity. Some say it was to alleviate persecution of early Christians, but others say he was pressured to do so to help stop the fighting between Christians and Pagans.
Even so, now with the Roman Empire officially recognizing the major religion as Christianity, they continued to celebrate Saturnalia every year.
Add to that the idea of solΒ invicta, the Romans’ homage to the sun at the height of the Saturnalia celebrations. It was the “birthday of the unconquered sun.” This aligned with the idea of a “sun king.”
Historians believe that early celebrations of Christmas fell onΒ invicta to replace the holiday. Efforts to use Saturnalia to do it did not work.
They began celebrations of Christ the King on invicta.
It’s interesting to note that Christmas itself has ties to the sun, the solstice, and the idea of light.
So with that, celebrations in December each year echo the sentiments of celebrations over millennia. People celebrate on a broad scale, but individual families often have their own traditions.
Christmas Eve hike at The Purchase in Maggie Valley, NC
Christmas Rituals and Traditions
Because we have parents and family who always invite us over, husby and IΒ haven’t ever celebrated Christmas in our own house.
We have slightly different traditions, depending on whose family we’re visiting at that time of year.
J’s family begins on Christmas Eve, with everyone bringing a signature dish.
We visit with each other, talk about current events, share stories and more.
Christmas Day involves a large dinner in late afternoon, with simple present exchanges earlier in the day.
My own family opens presents on Christmas Eve, after enjoying Southwestern chili and some Christmas cookies called, “biscochitos.”
Christmas Day starts with brunch at a resort hotel where my mother used to work, and then a holiday movie…at the movie theater. I’ve always thought that a bit unusual, but it’s what my Mom likes to do, so we go with that.
I’m sure holiday traditions with family and friends abound. In fact, I’d love to know some of yours in the comments at the bottom of the post.
J and I have our own traditions at our house before joining the rest of our family in celebration. They involve simple decorations that we put up on Dec. 23 and 24. We have a smoke-cleansing ritual and I create poems on winter.
We also try to get out on a Christmas Eve hike with family and/or friends before meeting at parents’ houses.
Creating Our Own Christmas Rituals and Traditions
We like the idea of what Christmas represents: the idea that a man with a vision of love was born and tried to spread that message.
I always find it interesting that others with similar visions were born around that time, too – Buddha and Mohammed are the most notable ones.
All in all, it’s a celebration of light and love.
Because of the message of love, we have created a ritual that perpetuates that idea.
Christmas Ceremony
This can be done on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. It’s up to you.
- Gather interested family and friends. (This can be done by yourself, as well.) They can bring Christmas or other poems that have resonated with them or that they have written.
- Gather materials: a house candle (this is a candle that you would use regularly for smudging; preferably one with scents of the season – if you’re not too sensitive), a sage stick, a sweetgrass stick, a cedar stick, a fire-proof plate or bowl, rose quartz, poems
- Gather in a circle and light the house candle.
- Say aloud: I take ten deep breaths to center myself and to look at the yellow flame before me, reflecting the light in my heart.
- Take ten deep breaths in silence.
- Say aloud: At this time of year, we take a moment to reflect on love. Think of ten people in your life – family, friends, coworkers, strangers – to whom you would like to send thoughts of love. You can say their names out loud and include more than ten if you’d like.
- Then, light the sage stick. Say aloud, “Sacred sage, please banish all negative energy from this space. We send thoughts of love to those we remember and to all those who need it.” Let the smoke from the sage waft through the air, but do not smudge yourself or others just yet. Place it back in the bowl.
- Pass the rose quartz through. This rock symbolizes love of all kinds: familial, relationship, camraderie, self-love and unconditional.
- Now, give the quartz to the first person who would like to read their poem. When that person is finished, he or she can pass it to the next person to read their poem.
- When everyone is finished, take the sage and re-light it. Say aloud, “Sacred sage, please cleanse our hearts, leaving only room for love.” Now, in silence, take the feather and go around and waft the smoke from the sage all over in front and back of everyone present. Return to the bowl.
- Next, take the sweetgrass and light it. Say aloud, “Sacred sweetgrass, please welcome all positive energy to this space. We send our thoughts of love, peace and harmony on this day.” In silence, take the feather again and go around to each person, wafting the smoke all over them in front and back. Return the sweetgrass to the bowl.
- Do the same with the cedar smudge stick while saying, “Sacred cedar, please welcome all thoughts of harmony and good health in this space. We send thoughts of healing to those who need it, and more thoughts of love,” and return it to the bowl.
- Say aloud, “Now, we take three deep breaths in silence, in honor of peace, love and harmony.”
- Now, blow out the candle and resume your activities. Folks can keep their poems or burn them in a fire to release their good energy.
Queen Winter Sharpie on paper, 2016
A Winter Poem
The following poem is one I wrote and read for our Christmas ceremony.
While I know our Southern Hemisphere friends are experiencing summer just now, this poem will be relevant for them on the June solstice.
Queen Winter Cleanses Our Hearts
The harvest is reaped and Winter announces her cool presence.
She whooshes in with icy blue nails, dragging a dark shroud, the color of slate.
Winters’ days devoid of color, Winter whispers her reminders for all to hear:
Look within and take heed. I have removed the color and kept the light,
Though its bulb hangs in the sky only a short time.
I have removed distractions of brilliant leaves and multivaried flowers…
And the sun —
It provides only cooling heat, and enough brilliance to power long shadows.
This is a time to look within and take heed.
Understand your essence; feel the answers emerge within
To guide you on your life’s journey to the Spring.
This barren time is not a sentence to be carried out,
But a time to remember your why and your raison d’Γͺtre.
Huddle with yourself, your love, your friends, creating a collective warmth
That bathes and cleanses your soul as only the fire from passionate hearts can do.
With a wave I provide you slicks of ice to hone your balance
And flakes of snow to appreciate exquisite natural design.
Look within and take heed.
Have you talked to Intuition lately? She’s whispering your name,
Asking you to get ready to plant roots.
The time is not yet right, but the mandatory inner-exploration
Is her perfectly-timed pre-requisite.
Has Intuition reminded you of the energy of gratitude?
I blow my sleet and rain and you, my friend, and now combat it with
A thankful flame.
Gather round in a circle, the one that is infinite…
With no beginning and no end, you now understand the cycle and circle
That everything has its time.
That precise moment of adding up to what is now
And plowing into the moments yet to come.
And don’t forget: Intuition will remind you.
So fear not, my friends. My chilled tendencies and clouded silence
Serve to forge you with icy-hot heat into the light and star you’re meant to be.
Tree of Life
After Christmas, I will be preparing a tradition I’ve started and stopped over the years, but now want to make a yearly tradition for my family: The Tree of Life.
In a nutshell, it is a tree of intentions that coincide with the the beginning of a new year.
Starting on Dec. 26, I will begin working on drawings and intentions for this tree and putting up this tree in my home. Publication for it will happen on Monday, Jan. 2 with explanations onΒ how to do it.
Honestly, I think a New Year and New Year’s activities don’t always have to be on theΒ exact day.
But, if you’d like to make one yourself, I will be posting updates on Intuitive and Spiritual’s Facebook page as I make progress.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. I’m also thinking of those who have lost loved ones and cannot celebrate with them. This time of year can be especially difficult for that and I hope this post can be a beacon of light.
We are the classic blended American family, combining two families, finding new traditions, stumbling our way through it all with a smile and love.
And that’s what I send you this morning, Lil Sis…a smile and love. I can’t afford material gifts, but I can give you those two in abundance.
Big Bro – your presence here, your friendship and guidance are all priceless gifts that you have given me for years. So, my friend, your gives of smiles and love ARE in abundance. Your wonderful gifts of wisdom and writing are gifts to us all. Thank you for all the awesomeness that you provide! I hope you’ve had great holidays so far. π
Hugs to you!
Loved your updates and sharing how you celebrate during this time of the year. Also, look forward to your newest release on January 2nd. Lastly want to wish you Happy Holidays once again, my sweet friend <3 <3 <3
Janine – love your updates, too! How did those holiday cookies go over? Hehe…I’m working on that Tree of Life post all this week. I can’t wait to publish it. π I hope your holidays have been wonderful so far and that Santa was great to you all! Sending hugs and wishes for a fantastic New Year!
I love your enthusiasm for all these rituals, holidays and tying them together with love, light and ceremony. My favorite personal tradition was a solstice ceremony many years ago where we shared candles and gratitudes in circle. Thanks for sharing all the backstories too Cynthia. PS- I love your Sharpie Queen!
May your rituals fill your heart with love and light to last the year.
Brad – haha – yes…I think celebrating the light reminds us that winter is temporary and that we can look within and glean great joy. π I love your solstice ceremony that you speak of here. Backstories…hehe…it took me all week to work on this post – many words, many words! Hehe. And I love that you appreciate my drawing. π I hope all these rituals will lead to an incredible 2017. π
Sending you hugs and best wishes for an incredible New Year!
I’m actually lying in bed today trying to rid whatever little virus is doing the rounds here again (urg!) and your post cheered me up! Seriously… I’m all excited about those trees now and creating new holiday rituals for the year ahead and celebrating birthdays differently (Geoff’s is the day after tomorrow) – Happy belated birthday to J!! I LOVE the idea of having a 7-day celebration – and lots of little gifts – both material and thoughtful gestures; so, SO special π You’ve got me excited about winter again… every year, I grow a little more fond of it.
Stunning post my friend!!
Sending hugs across the “pond”
Oh, Melanie, sweet friend! I hope you feel better soon! Being sick while on leave time is no fun! But…hehe…It sounds like you’re gearing up for a fun week with Goeff! And Happy Birthday again to you! Hehe…yes…we celebrated for 7 days with little gifts, hikes, walks, tea, going out with family and friends…good times! Hehe…winter. I’m re-learning to embrace it…celebrations of light definitely help. π Thank you for saying this was a stunning post – that means a lot to me – I spent lots of time on this one. π Sending you hugs back and I hope you feel better very, very soon! xo
I appreciate all the happy faces and words which brought a smile to my face. π Thanks for your enthusiasm Cynthia. To a better year in 2017 filled with peace and love.
Brad – haha…I am rather fond of those little emojis, I must admit. π To the best year, ever! C’mon 2017!
PS. I can’t seem to reply to your comments directly on your blog or in my sidebar. So here goes round three.
To the Best π Year π Ever! π
Hmm…not sure where I might fix that glitch, but I will tell you that I’m grateful for our blogging friendship. But yes, I intend to reign in the New Year with great intentions and daily reminders of love, compassion and awesomeness. π
Oh Cynthia.. this post is just fantastic.. Such a delight in every way.. I can feel your joy, love and excitement all rolled into one..
Your poem was just beautiful .. And wouldn’t you know it.. the drawing you chose I also chose to colour in.. Its printed off but not yet started on.. Harmony is finished and I need to upload it in the New year for a post.. π and will link it back here..
I gave myself a good old smudge yesterday with sage.. I had not done that in ages and my daughter reminded me to ground myself again.. As my head has felt in the clouds of late due to not feeling too well..
And so the smudging helped.. π
Fantastic post.. Loved your Queen Winter picture too..
I hope you had a fab Christmas.. I did apart from coughing all the time..
But on the mend now.. π and 2017 I know we shall be sharing more insights together..
Love and Blessings for a Wonderful Happy New Year dear friend..
Love Sue xxx <3
Sue – aww, thank you. Shucks. Hehe. I really love having little ceremonies to commemorate an important event, holiday, time of year, etc. And you drew harmony! Oh, that’s lovely! I can’t wait to see it! You are so sweet and so kind. I hope it brings you an abundance of harmony. <3
Yes...smudging It's such a wonderful thing, isn't it? I always feel a different energy after smudging. And Queen Winter, hehe. I had so much fun drawing her. π
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm glad you're on the mend. And I can't wait to hear about all your Insights. Truly!
Love and blessings to you! Sending lots of hugs and light! xo
Wonderful celebrations you bring us here! Your poem is also perfect for winter π I also like that you encourage us to explore new traditions. Very intriguing post, as always! ALSO ~ WOWWWWW I received your present in the mail and am so happy by it. BALANCE – exactly what I need as we start the year and I plan to hang it on my wall. Thank you and thank you again xx
Christy – aww, yay! So glad you got that. π And thank you for your feedback on my poem – coming from you – a poetic pro – that means so much. π Thank you, too. Sending you hugs, sweet friend! xx
Great to learn about Winter Solstice and its meaning. I liked the Solstice and Christmas Ceremony you have created.
These are special occasions. It is a good moments to reconnect with our deepest feelings… a time of family and friends gathering… A time to be grateful, above all… And to try to make the best of each moment.
Loved your poem, Cynthia…
Your new blog looks great and I am looking forward to catching up with you here during the year!.
Love & best wishes to you. π
Aquileana – thank you! For all this wonderful feedback. Yes, Winter Solstice has become more important to me over the years – in addition to the other December holidays, too. The “grateful” piece. YES! So good to make the best of each moment. Thank you for your feedback on my poem, too. I hope you have a wonderful year, I also am looking forward to catching up, sending you ABRAZOS FUERTES and much love and happiness! Hugs and blessings!