The LIFE Project: A Year-long Project of Intention
The video above summarizes this project. If you don’t have time to read, you can play the video and come back later. It’s me. I’m camera shy, but I’m going for it.
April 1 marked day 1 of the LIFE Project – Living an Intentional and Fulfilling Existence.
It’s a project that entails meditation, decluttering, living consciously and mindfully, and making everything I do align with my values.
If you’re interested in the project, sign up to the blog and follow along. 🙂
Along the way, I hope to publish two coloring books, two novels (or 1 novel and 1 non-fiction book), a book of poetry, and a book on the project itself.
There will be sacred travel, marathons (walking), trying out veganism, altruism and more.
It’s an ambitious project – one that I hope will change the course of my life and my accountability partners are you – my readers. It’s also one that I hope will inspire others to live intentionally, and aligned to their values.
I do not like letting others down; I don’t like letting myself down – so the intention is to complete this project, of course.
April’s Intentions
For the month of April, the theme is “looking inward.”
I will be:
- meditating 60 minutes per day
- journaling 250 words+ per day
- reciting a specific mantra after meditation
- reciting affirmations after meditation
- walking ten thousand (10K) steps per day
- reading a book of the month
- finishing the Tree of Life Coloring Book for publication in May
Starting about 2 weeks before April 1, I began to prepare myself for this project.
For the last two weeks out of each month, I will spend time building up to the following month’s requirements.
Materials needed for April:
- mala beads
- good walking shoes
- a pedometer of some sort
- affirmations cards
- Penzu journal
- The Power of Silence by Carlos Castaneda
Initially, I thought I would do 20 minutes of mediation in the morning, 20 minutes during the day, and 20 minutes in the evening.
I figured out quickly that that wasn’t going to work for me – and glad I had these two weeks to figure that out. I work during the day, and consistently finding 20 minutes at some point during the day was going to set me up for failure. Furthermore, upon arriving home, there’s dinner, walking the dog, and working on my project – not a lot of time to do other things.
Knowing that I wanted to at least do 60 minutes per day, I decided to get up a little earlier and meditate for 1 hour. I went from 20 minutes last week, increasing my meditation time by 5 minutes until I reached 60.
I’m really glad I did. Two days in, I can tell I’m reaching a theta state during these longer meditation sessions. I have an easier time focusing on breathing in and out, and letting everything go so that my mind can grow more quiet, steadily.
I feel myself periodically during the day focusing on my breath – naturally.
In the two weeks prior to April 1, I also started journaling to get into a more consistent routine with it.
Granted, I’ve journaled all my life. It’s something I’ve done since I was old enough to write coherent thoughts – secret diaries, journals for classes, etc.
I once wrote 30 pages in 5th grade as part of a reflection on a week-long trip we made to the southwestern part of the US. We were only required to do five pages. But I got so into it, and wrote and wrote and wrote while on the bus.
But the journal I’m keeping for this project will be designed so that I can turn it into a book upon completion – so that others may design their own LIFE projects.
I write each day in my private journal over at (not an affiliate link). I’ve used this site for journaling since 2014 and I upgraded my membership so that I could have more than one journal.
Now, I have a personal journal and one specifically for this project, where I’ll be writing for the next year.
At the end of the year, I can download the entire journal as one document, easily editable in a Word document.
A snapshot of my journals
The mantra:
I spent some time researching mantras. There’s a lot of literature out there about them, but I knew I wanted to incorporate two things: a mantra in Sanskrit and one that would be relevant to this journey.
I looked for a Sanskrit mantra because it is an ancient language said to be at the same frequency as the vibration of the universe.
The word, “om,” for example, vibrates at 432 hz, known as the same vibration of the intonation of nature. Physics has actually proved this!
Sanskrit is a sacred language, and since this is a sacred journey, I want to be sure that I incorporate these types of elements wherever I can.
The mantra I chose is:
Om gam ganapataye namaha
It’s the sacred mantra of Ganesh, meaning that “I bow to the (symbolic) elephant-faced deity who is capable of removing all obstacles and bestows blessings of success and protection upon me.”
Do you see why I chose this?
I’m embarking on this ambitious project, I want to be successful, and many of the activities I do – walking marathons and travel, especially – will need a certain amount of blessing and protection.
This particular mantra is also great for starting new projects and for travelers.
For 365 days, I will recite this mantra at least 108 times per day on my mala beads.
There are 108 beads strung together that people can use to recite their mantras with, and then wear them as a necklace or bracelet.
Why 108? The ancient Sanskrit alphabet has 54 letters. 54 x 2 = 108 – a sacred number, representing the masculine and feminine, or shiva and shakti.
The number 108 has sacred significance beyond just this: it’s a significant mathematical number and has other scientific and religious connotations.
If I have time during the day, I’ll recite one or two repetitions of the 108 mantras set. But I’ll strive to do 108 in the mornings.
I also like to listen to the catchy tune in this video while working:
Awhile back, I heard something about a power pose for confidence.
Whenever I start something new, or if I have certain fears that I know to hold me back on something, I lose my confidence.
How many of you can relate to that?
Standing with my feet a little wider than hip-width, and putting my hands on my hips, I assume a power pose.
Scientifically speaking, the power pose actually causes your body to release testosterone. This hormone has lots of functions in the human body, as we know, but it’s also a confidence-boosting hormone.
Standing for two minutes in this pose can measurably increase confidence.
Pairing some affirmations with this pose, I hope, will boost my confidence in general, but also with regards to this project.
I debated on whether to share these here – because they are deeply personal. But, in an effort to be in full disclosure about this project, I will share them.
These affirmations are ones that I wrote up to touch upon areas in which I would like to improve my confidence – and intentionally face my fears:
- I am successful in my endeavors.
- I live in service to others.
- I am confident.
- I am an artist, writer and a life-teacher who makes a living doing all these things in sync.
- I run a well-known, successful website, podcast (yet to come) and video channel.
- I write awesome, compelling, best-selling books.
- I am in this for the long haul: spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
- I live in alignment with my values.
- I am a philanthropist.
- I am still. I am listening.
Together with 60 minutes of meditation, reciting mantras and affirmations, these take about 1 hour, 15 minutes each morning.
I wrote them out on simple, lined index cards:
10 Thousand Steps per Day
May day job keeps me pretty active, and it’s relatively easy to make it to 10K steps – especially after a walk with my dog.
In the last couple of weeks, I have reached 10K steps every day except for two days: on Fridays. I am in my office more on Fridays, and even with a 45-minute long walk after work, I still haven’t managed to reach 10K steps.
But, now I know to plan for that. I can take short breaks where I get out of my office and get some steps in.
I can also plan for a longer walk on those days with my walking buddy, Vinny. He’s my large rescue dog who grew from about 12 pounds when I got him to about 112 pounds.
He’s a gentle giant to his “pack” – extended family, husby and me – but he’s rather grumbly to anyone who’s not part of his pack.
It makes for interesting walking experiences sometimes.
I’m still glad we rescued him and glad that he’s a fierce protector of my safety – especially as I start training for the walking marathon.
Speaking of Walking Marathons…
I am having serious difficulty finding walking (only) marathons. If you know of one, would you drop me a line?
There are a number of regular marathons that are friendly to walkers, but I had no idea that walking marathons weren’t as popular.
There are sites online about walker-friendly marathons. Right now, I know of these nine.
However, they all include runners, as well. These particular marathons don’t fall in the time-frame in which I’m looking: August.
There is one race listed in September, but it’s in Portland, OR – nearly 3,000 miles away from where I live. It seems silly to fly 3,000 miles to walk a race to then fly 3,000 miles back.
But, why am I walking you ask?
It would be so much easier if I were a runner, huh?
But here’s the thing: walking is attainable for me. I have flat feet and, effectively, an extra bone in my arch – confirmed by x-ray when I was 12 years old.
This means my feet fall asleep when I run.
I turned to walking shortly after an abysmal cross country season when I was 14 and never looked back.
I was inspired by a book called, Walker’s Journal: Experiencing America on Foot – by Rob Sweetgall (not an affiliate link) who walked through ALL 50 states to prove that we humans are designed to walk – and we can do it indefinitely.
I found this book lying around at my sister’s house when I was 13. She didn’t even know she had it.
I asked if I could borrow it and devoured it in one sitting – the man who walked America!
I got out my best pair of tennis shoes right after that and proceeded to step outside and walk for the next two hours.
I choose to align with being “a walker.” Unless a person is wheelchair-bound or bed-bound, we all walk.
We humans are designed to walk long distances.
Think about nomadic societies that wandered hundreds of thousands of miles during their lifetimes.
It’s an accessible activity for all – no matter who you are. It just takes putting one foot in front of the other – and even shoes can be optional. (Though I don’t go anywhere without mine.)
Walking can be aerobic and it can be a social activity or a solitary one. Walking makes it easy to focus on meditation, too.
Since my LIFE journey is a sacred one, I can do sacred walking.
THAT’S why I would like to find a walking marathon. Because, effectively, it’s also a spiritual journey.
I also am thinking about raising money for this project to donate to a charity either in the US or abroad – there are many that need a boost.
So many current marathons support cancer research, veterans, and other scientific research. That’s great!
But, honestly, I kind of want the one I do to be about supporting causes that align specifically with my values, encourage others to embrace walking, and as a spiritual journey.
Perhaps I should make up my own course, raise money and upon completion, donate it all.
What’s holding me back here is organizing one on my own: there’s the publicity, getting sponsors, creating the course, registering participants, etc., etc.
Since I’m a one-person operation, this is something I’ll be thinking about, but not quite sure how I’ll pull it off.
I would love reader suggestions if you have them! In the meantime, I’ll be continuing with my 10K steps a day.
The Book of the Month: The Power of Silence by Carlos Cataneda
I started this book on Friday night, and I have to say that I’m already impressed. I couldn’t believe how, almost immediately, Castaneda talks about mindfulness and intent.
I didn’t know this book was going to go into that, but I’m pleasantly surprised that a Native American shaman (Don Juan) speaks of mindfulness and intent like he’s been hanging out with Buddhist monks.
I love it!
I’ve decided that if any readers decide to read along each month, I’ll put up two pinned threads on my Facebook page, Intuitive and Spiritual.
I’ve had a couple folks express interest in doing projects of their own.
The first thread will be the theme and intentions of the month: Theme and Intentions – April LIFE Project
The second thread will be the book of the month. The Power of Silence – Pinned Thread
If folks want to leave comments and have conversation, I’ll spend time on my Facebook page on Monday evenings from 9-10 pm.
The Tree of Life Coloring Book
Doing hand-drawn images takes awhile, but this project stemmed from a Tree of Life post I did at the New Year in 2017.
It was all about intention and fits well with this project.
I’m on the next-to-last drawing, and with one more to go, I’m starting the marketing process for publication. All subscribers to the blog (the first 50) will get a physical copy if you tell me you’re interested in having one.
LIFE Happens Days
On this journey, I know that “life happens.”
I’m going to allow myself ten LIFE happens days: 10 different times during the year, I will allow “slips” – days where I know I won’t be able to fulfill all my intentions.
I realize getting 10K steps in on a day where I’m traveling or when I’m sick might be difficult. So, I’m building into my project the “LIFE happens” days and will take one if I need one – up to 10.
I’ll mark down the date and will share on subsequent posts when I use those.
And now…I will continue on this journey of intention – of facing my fears and living life according to my values.
It will be a year-long process of getting from point A to point B, but this is all about the journey.
At the start of May, I’ll summarize what happened in April and outline what May will look like.
Aw, Cyndi I just watched your video and couldn’t love more seeing your beautiful, smiling face and hearing your gorgeous voice this morning, too. Seriously, awesome way to start my Monday morning with you here. Love this journey you will be taking this month, as well the upcoming months, too. Can’t wait to hear it as it unfolds here and know you will share that and more here with us. Hugs and Happy Monday once again, my sweet friend!! xoxo <3
Janine – hehe, aww, thanks! *blush* I am not a video person, but I also know that this internet thing pretty much requires it if you want to grow your audience, so I’m embracing it. 🙂 I’m psyched for this journey – I hope to achieve all I set out to do. I get a little nervous about the magnitude of it, but then I think, dang…I’ve scheduled a year of hour-long meditations each day for myself. Not bad, not bad, lol. It’s like saying the rosary a couple times – no big deal. 😀 I can’t wait to share and learn and see how this all unfolds. Happy Monday to you and sending BIG hugs! xo
I’ve been following this path for the past ten years now, and I can say, Lil Sis, without hesitation, that it saved my life. I don’t use the steps suggested here, but I’ve decluttered and worked on finding myself through reflection for all that time. Today I can say, honestly, that life is good.
Hugs from the Left Coast
Big Bro – and THIS is why we get along so well. 🙂 I don’t doubt that this kind of thing saved your life. I think of a friend of J and I and how he has had a treacherous road and split-up family due to alcohol addiction and I think, man…I wonder if someone had taught him gratitude/meditation/volunteering/etc. as a kid if he could ever use that to pull him out of it…but perhaps someday he’ll come around. But I can send him blessings and wishes for him to overcome.
I’m really looking forward to the decluttering month. I’ve been eyeing so many things that I’m thinking, “you know, I could downsize that!” Haha. Even in my earlier writing days where I thought, “yeah, I’m living simple,” little did I know. It’s an art and involves multiple areas of life. It’ll be interesting. 🙂
Thanks for comin’ over. Hope you’re off to a great start to the week. Hugs!
Cyndi.. Just Sooooo Sooooooo Loved your video.. So excited to both see and hear you speak at the same time. LOL. it was wonderful. A great beginning to your post..
And I am so pleased to have saved my visit until today, and caught this one early LOL.. and not my usual one or two weeks late..
I love the synchronisities here, I have over the weekend been listening to some of Tina Turners mantras, I could not even begin to tell you what she was chanting, but the energy of it and the music was empowering..
So I am so delighted you shared your own mantra of Om gam ganapataye namaha and shared its meaning..
I was also happy to see Vinny he is a beautiful addition to your family.. And its good in a way he is so protective of you.. Especially if out walking on your own.
I have no doubts at all that you will fulfill all of Aprils List…
I have my own agenda in that I am growing seeds and planting them.. preparing the ground and making sure I also keep on nurturing myself..
Sending you HUGE hugs.. and wishing you a Happy fulfilled week dearest Cyndi..
Much love and gratitude for sharing..
( Ps, I now subscribed to your video’s too.. 🙂
Love and Blessings always
Sue <3
Sue – hehe, I practiced a bunch before recording that and even then, I stumbled a bit, but it’s a process. I think I do want to try more of them. 🙂 I am not normally a camera person: my favorite spot is “behind” it and never in front. But I’m thinking that to help spread the word, to help others adopt a bit of peace in their lives and give them ideas for their own journeys, I’ve sort of thought well…I should do this. It’s out of my comfort zone. That means I must be doing something halfway good, right? Hehe.
Tina Turner has mantras!? I must search for these immediately! Okay…went to look. She says the PEACE mantra! Oh my heart!!!! That’s so exciting. I must go over and have another look-see as soon as I finish here. 🙂 *Trying to live presently, but dang it…I just get so excited about these things. :D*
The mantra: you know, I’m really making it “my own” – it’s taken a few days to really “feel like it’s mine” – if that makes sense. I love another one I’ve been saying for a long time: om mani padme hum. Changing to this new one was a bit of a different change, but I like it! I listen to hour-long versions at work while I work and I’m loving it.
I do miss my original om mani padme hum mantra, but I believe the mantra of Ganesh is one that can be recited alongside another and not “cancel it out.”
My Vinny dog is a bit of a mess, but he’s a “mama’s boy” – he loves his dad, too, but he follows me everywhere and hangs out with me when I’m typing at the computer. He’s loyal and protective, but I don’t think I’ve ever connected with a dog as much as I have with Vinny. 🙂
As far as fulfilling April’s list – I have quite the project I’ve laid out for myself. But, honestly, I’m psyched about it. It’s all meant to enhance all my actions, everything I do. Already, it’s been incredible, and I’m 3 days into it. Hehe.
I can’t wait to see photos (and the inspiration I know you’ll get) from all your efforts with the garden. There’s something so special about watching seedlings grow and then planting them to fruition. It’s an incredible feeling.
Sending you HUGE hugs back, wishes for a wonderful week, so glad you were able to stop by today, and I’m so grateful for you! That’s so sweet about subscribing. I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Sending you so much love, light and blessings, dear friend! xoxo
Kudos on making a video and putting yourself out there in the world, shy and vulnerable, yet clear and strong in your intentions. May your year be full of love, intentionally created and shared. blessings, Brad
Brad – thank you! Yes…videos involve that “putting yourself out there” part and it does intimidate me. But as with everything else in this project, I’m aiming to face my fears and tackle that which I know I need and want to do. 🙂 May YOUR year be full of love, blessings, joy, and opportunities! Hugs!
Hi Cynthia… all amazing what you are doing. I love the April theme and the goals you have set. I have been on a two year path of decluttering and it is so freeing. In doing so I found the clutter had been holding me back in many ways. I have always had so many hobbies I little or no time to do them. Last year I set a goal of writing 3000 words a day on any project. The following morning I would edit and meet the goal again. What I found is I cut my editing time well in half plus I found it kept the story fresh in my mind…. I love your approach…
Hugs from Alberta
Rolly! So great to see you. 🙂 Thank you for your warm comment. Yes, I’ve set quite the intentions for myself. I love that you’ve tried the decluttering thing and I agree: it’s amazing to let things go – it’s like taking weights off. I can’t wait until May to do this. 🙂 I’m with you on the hobbies part: so many interests and little time to do them. 3K words a day, eh? That’s ambitious, but it shows in the beautiful way you write. I admire the way in which you put and string words together. And the fact that you edit and then meet your goal – I love that! We all have things that work for us. Perhaps I’ll try that sometime. In any case, I appreciate your feedback. I’m sure it’s still quite cold in Alberta, but I do hope that the sun stays out longer and that you have a cozy place to hang out until the first leaves come out where you can enjoy a bit of spring. 🙂 Sending hugs and blessings!
Great post Cynthia, you are really inspirational 🙂
I do have my challenges with long posts, because they demand so much time not only to read, but also to take them in and understand them, which is why, I’m not reading so often.
Wish you all good luck with your goals.
Irene – aww, thank you! Hehe…I admit, since my posts are once-weekly, I do a lot of research and make them long so that there’s a lot of value there. But, I get it. Reading tons and tons when time is so short is a challenge. I appreciate you and I know that you do what you can, so no worries. <3 I love your blog and jewelry and will always share when I can. Thank you for your beautiful words and feedback. Sending you big hugs! xo
Thanks for sharing your dreams and goals. You are a very inspiring lady.
Rebecca – aw, friend! So good to see you. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words and for your friendship. One of these days we need to get together for some tea and exchange stories – since we don’t live so far apart. Sending hugs and wishes for a wonderful week! xo
Well you look a natural in front of the camera.. 🙂 and yes its very exciting isn’t it when we others doing Mantra’s Tina Turner has for a long while practiced mantras and meditation, and chants, using beads.. There are interviews with her on Youtube I am sure that you can find..
As for the progress of my allotments, you can follow more indepth pictures here where I blog more often about my gardening exploits lol 😉
Sending Love and Hugs your way, and Vinny sounds a beautiful companion and protector.. <3 Sending LOVE.. <3
Sue – shhh, I had practiced for two hours before that little diddy. All in an effort to “look more natural.” Hehe. But, practice makes for better results, I think.
As for Tina Turner – this just warms my soul!! I love all the Peace mantra stuff she has out there.
I just went over to your garden blog and put it in my Reader for WordPress. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things that will grow!
Hugs from across the pond – and from Vinny, too. 🙂 <3 Sending you so much love and light. xoxo
A video of Tina.. Interview.. excuse the Christmas messages on it. but she explains lots of how she started practices Chanting Have a great day xxx
Thank you for that link, Sue. This is great!! I can’t wait to wait it in more detail (just started it). Yay! I am grateful to you for taking the time to come back and share this. I promise to look at that link and let you know what I think. 🙂 More hugs coming your way and I can’t wait to see your new poem. 🙂
Aww thank you so much for the follow of my garden blog … 🙂 I really appreciate.. I do not expect you to comment.. I know how busy you are.. but it will be fun to see how we garden.. and what we grow.. Love and Hugs and enjoy your week xx
Sue – I can’t wait to see the gorgeous photos and all the beautiful things and all the love that will come out of your garden. *bliss* I just know that there will be so much color and nourishment and beautiful veggies…that just makes me smile. 🙂
Cyndi! I’m excited for you ~ Look at you with your April organization and words of positivity shining brightly 🙂 I am so taken with that sacred mantra of Ganesh that you mentioned in this post – which, by the way, I had not heard of before. Wonderful choice and great to know exactly why you repeat it that particular number of times during each day. Do you find that it is helping you to do so? Is it challenging to fit the time to do so into your day? I like that you journal and share many of your thoughts with us. I wish you all the best with the LIFE project and am cheering you on! <3
Christy – ahh, thank you! <3 Haha...I love it: "April organization." I might have to adopt that term. The mantra of Ganesh - yes, I love it. It's really neat to say to myself during the day, too. It does help: I say it to myself when I'm walking and I listen to a youtube soundtrack of it when I'm at work. It's calming and empowering. The effects are subtle, but also cumulative. I know that I won't notice a whole lot these first few weeks, but as I repeat it, it will get "ingrained" in my mental thoughts and that's where I know the magic begins. 🙂 Journaling helps me gather my thoughts about the project and it is pleasant. 🙂 Thank you for the well-wishes and I'm also wishing you a great week! xo HUGS!
I will post later an update of the allotment.. I really should go out front and take a picture.. The colour is mainly there. Most of photo’s are of allotments to come.. 🙂 Tired today.. Been resting up with our granddaughter who is a bundle of energy.. lol.. Playing hoola hoops no less we have today.. 🙂 Hiking tomorrow.. well, a slow walk, nothing too strenuous xxx <3 Enjoy your weekend xxx Hugs
Sue – hehe, I can’t wait to see! All the beautiful colors – I’m imagining them right now. Oh how it will all grow. You have a grand little one!? Oh, how sweet! A little bundle of energy whom I am sure will grow up to be a lightworker. Can she use the hula hoops well? We have kiddos in our program who can use the hula hoops with no problem. Hehe. I hope you had a wonderful Sunday hike! Oh, sending you BIG hugs! And, like you, we’ve been visiting with family who have been guests in town. Here’s to wonderful family. <3
Thank you yes posted it over on my garden blog.. We had a lovely day.. it was really warm here 22C very warm.. like a normal Summer day instead of a Spring one.. Much cooler though today, such is the weather up and down.. But wonderful day. visiting my hubbies sister in the village where we both grew up.
We had lunch out .. And we were going to go hiking.. but our muscles ached too much from Fridays hard work in the allotments.. So we decided to drive home and rest in our home garden instead..
I sat and read on the double swing… Sunny my self.. I feel the relaxation was what I needed, and feel refreshed today because of it..
And yes.. Our granddaughter is a joy.. And she is coming to stay over nearer the weekend for a sleep over.. So hoping the weather stays dry so we can take her a bike ride.. xxx
Sue – oh, yay! I’ll go over and have a look-see. 🙂 Let’s see…22C is about 71 degrees F. Pleasant. It’s been about that warm, if not warmer here. But yes, it’s supposed to rain and be cooler tomorrow – the awakening of spring. I was in Spain awhile back and I was there in June when everyone was saying, “you LIKE when it’s 40C!?” Hehe, I do, I do – mostly. I’m always cold, so the heat is welcome. Though it’s possible to get too much. So, around 23 or 24C is most pleasant of all.
I hope you had a pleasant lunch and a well-deserved rest. I just love this time of year – everything fresh and new and budding. The swing sounds very divine! Your granddaughter, I’m sure, had such fun spending the day with you – and another sleepover will be fun. Such joy in children, no? And they love to do so many things! I love that you’re exposing her to biking and gardening and hiking, for it is with the children that we can change the future – they’re so open-minded and if they appreciate Nature when they’re young, they’ll want to defend her when they grow. 🙂
Yes Cyndi my granddaughter loves the garden.. and I got her used to bugs and caterpillars when she was two.. :-).. So lots of fun in nature we have.. <3 And you are right when we teach children not to fear they retain what they are taught at a young age.. xxx Have a lovely week xxx
Sue! Yesterday I took our students on a field trip to explore the flora and fauna of our area. They got to hike in the woods and see animals that live in our area but were captured and treated because they were injured. Now, they live in a sanctuary. I am a little scared of insects because creepy crawlies are just a little hard, but I held two different millipedes who smelled like cherries and helped me overcome (at least a little) my fear of insects. 🙂 The kids also went into the river to gently look for salamanders. Trying to teach them young. 🙂 <3
So lovely to know you too are overcoming your small fears too Cyndi.. sounded a wonderful field trip.. I still remember mine when I was in the junior school.. Which I think started my passion for the woods.. I still remember the guide turning over pieces of fallen bark, and telling the class how these were homes for bugs.. And I still have my own bug hotel in my garden today 🙂 xxx <3 Happy weekend to you xx
Sue – hehe, bug hotel – I LOVE IT! I don’t mind bugs flying around or flittering about. I really like to watch them. But, I get a little anxious when they land on me. Probably less so now that I know more about them and with lots of meditation. Hehe. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend, sweet friend! I was thinking of you today – we worked in the garden all day today! I planted geraniums, zinnias, coleus, catgrass, catnip, hostas and more – it’s our front garden that has only red flowers (to contrast with our stone house). Out back, we’re planting LOTS of veggies: eggplant, okra, green beans, snap peas, and many herbs like sage, lavender, lemonbalm, dill, and more. 🙂 I so, so love spectacular gardens. <3
Hey, so it looks like you’re off to a really good start this month. I haven’t tried to do any actual sitting meditation for a long time, but walking meditation always works for me.
How are the summers out where you live? Living in Hawaii for all those years, I kind of took for granted how easy it was to go out for a walk every day of the year. But now, here in Vegas, I’ll probably die if I go out walking in the summer haha. No way. =)
Chris – hey, hey! Great to see ya. 🙂 LOTS of folks need/want movement as they meditate. But you know what? You do it all the time! yes, yes you do! See, with all your drawings, you’re meditating. That intense focus is a meditative process. 🙂
Hawaii…ahh…do you miss it? Every day walking…*bliss* But in Vegas, I can imagine – it being in the desert and all – that the heat would be stifling. That’s one of those things where you then have to decide: walk early in the morning, at the gym, or at night. Or…if not walking, some kind of work out at home or at the gym? Any kind of work out can be meditative, too – it’s all just a matter of focusing on what you’re doing and trying to not let the mind wander to everything else. 🙂
Wow, sounds like you have been busy planting.. Love the sound of all you are planting too.. 🙂 We had a bit of rest, I over did things a little the other day with all the weeding I did.. my back is in protest..
I watched your meditation drawing yesterday a couple of times too Cyndi.. Loved it.. I was tempted to go create.. But I had set my stall out to do some guitar practice… 🙂 I have let it slide a bit while doing the garden.. And other paintings.. So I am setting my own agenda out in discipline lol. to have an hours practice a day and learn something new, or at least practice chord changes to get quicker..
I will now take a look to see if there is any new post.. as its MONDAY. and I always end up a late visitor 🙂 xxx Hugs and a Happy Easter Monday to you 🙂
Sue – yes, have been busy planting. I tell you I cannot wait until all those seeds and flowers start to bloom. I just love color in the landscape and beautiful gardens. I would like to eventually put a labyrinth in…but one thing at a time. Hehe.
As for the meditation drawing, you have discovered a secret. If I do a video, I have to do it ahead of doing a post. So, you’ll know what the blog post will be about beforehand. Hehe.
Guitar. Oh, I just love playing it! I originally started learning as a kid wanting to play songs at campfires. I still have that desire, though I have some big projects going on on the moment. Hehe. But next year, I will “intend” to take it up again. 🙂
And you’re right: Mondays are new post days around here. I hope you had a wonderful Easter and I always look forward to your comments, your wisdom and the wonderful things you have to share. Sending you big hugs! xoxo
Beautiful blog, Cyndi, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for following BrewNSpew.
Eugenia – thank you so much! It’s nice to meet you and to follow an equally wonderful blog that I can’t wait to read more of. 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful week! xo