I’ve been drinking a gallon of water a day
Since June 1, I have been drinking 128 oz. of water a day, or 1 gallon.
You might ask why I might have chosen to do this as part of the LIFE Project.
For this particular month, I chose this as a month of “detox”- both mental and physical.
I looked inward in April, decluttered in May, and now I have done a month of detox in June, including abstaining from alcohol and caffeine, watching the news, getting adequate sleep, and continuing with the activities that I started in April for the LIFE Project. (As of this writing, there are 4 more days in the month of June; I won’t have any problem finishing out the month.)
I can tell you that I thinkย everyone should do this at some point. I have witnessed noticeable changes and differences in physical appearance, energy and more.
In order to pull off drinking that much water, a couple things had to happen: I pretty much gave up drinking any other liquid, with the exception of chaga (which is non-caffeinated) tea.
I also drank grape juice or orange juice in the mornings.
But, other than that, there just was not much room to fit other liquids in my diet.
Benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day
But now, I want to go over the list of benefits that drinking so much water has had for me over the last month:
- increased energy
- better digestion
- increased clarity and thought
- more hydrated skin
- weight loss
- drinking water begets drinking more water
- no headaches, down from several a month
- whiter teeth
- better concentration
- eating less of other foods, to make the water fit
I’m not exactly sure what caused all the gains and energy that I felt, exactly.
Instead of drinking matcha tea each morning, I began to drink chaga tea, which did not have any caffeine.
I still continued to walk 10,000 steps per day, which, I think, also gives you energy. But still, even after two months of walking over 4 miles per day, adding in the water was the biggest variable – and caused the most noticeable changes.
Y’all, there were times I felt like Tigger from “Winnie the Pooh.” If I’d had an imaginary tail, I would have used that as an annexed spring and bounced all over the place.
I felt ALIVE!
I mean, Iย already feel alive, but…it was like I felt younger and ready to go.
This didn’t happen until about a couple weeks in, but it was awesome.
I went on a hike yesterday to a beautiful waterfall. I thought it might be a good way to get more water – quickly. ๐
When I first started, I felt really bloated and full when I was drinking all this water.
But, the feeling wouldn’t last that long before my body would just digest it, and I just went about my day.
As the month went on, that feeling pretty much went away altogether.
My body adjusted to all the extra hydration, and everything seemed to work more smoothly.
Without giving too much information, let’s just say that food and liquids moved through my body very nicely.
I liken it to when a car gets its belts, hoses and fluids changed and it seems to have a little more pep. I feel like that’s what happened to me.
Digestion overall, seemed more efficient.
I would often have to drink at least 8 to 16 ounces of water before each meal.
But that was actually a good thing.
It kept me from over eating, and it kept me from consuming too many extra calories. Not that that was a goal.
It was just that in order to consume all the water I needed to, I learned that I had to space it out and one way to do that was to drink water before and after every meal.
To be sure, it was a little like having water for breakfast, lunch, dinner. And then dessert was also water.
That’s not a complaint. It’s more that it’s an observation of what I learned and how I had to adjust as I navigated drinking all of this water.
Skin and teeth
My face
A couple weeks into drinking all this water, I looked in the mirror one morning and was a little surprised at the way my face looked.
It’s sort of looked like I had given myself some sort of facial. My skin looked tan and hydrated, and the tiny little wrinkles that I’ve noticed creeping up on my face were less noticeable.
My face also looked like it had a little more plumpness to it – if I may use that word.
But it was kind of fun to see.
I realize that’s my ego talking a little bit here, but it’s still fun to mention the little unexpected things that I didn’t know would happen.
Interestingly, I received a couple comments over the course of the month from people noticing the subtle changes.
One person remarked that I seemed like I’d been in the sun a little more.
Yes, I have been outside walking and so yes, probably I do look a little more tanned.
But in reading up a little bit about others who have drank this much water in a month, they have also commented that others remarked that their skin seemed to have a little more color – as if they spent a little time in the sun.
I’m not sure why that would be, but it’s a fun little side effect.
Someone else asked about my beauty routine – my dental hygienist.
There I was, sitting in the chair, and the sweet woman asked about what products I use on my skin.
Y’all, if you know me at all, I’m no fan of makeup or other girly-girl things. It’s just not me.
I have to tell you that I was taken aback at that comment – never have I ever been asked such a thing.
I mean, I’m the girl that will chop wood on a warm summer day if I have to.
And I’ve had the same makeup in my little bag since 2012. Iย really should get rid of it; somehow it survived the decluttering.ย No, I don’t wear it, in case you were wondering.
Now, give me a tube of chap stick and I’ll tell you all about the virtues of natural ingredients on your lips.
In any case, I said that I don’t wash my face – ever.
I always rinse at night with water and put an avocado-based, locally-produced cream on my face so it doesn’t feel like a patch of pleather.
And that’s it.
She said something about how it seemed to look smooth.
My teeth
Then she remarked that my teeth didn’t have the usual wine and tea stains. You know, because I gave those up.
Apparently, drinking gobs of water can un-stain your teeth. I hadn’t been back to the dentist since the December before, and I was fully expecting her to say what she usually does: I see stains on your teeth and I see some tartar.
This time, not only does she say that my teeth were whiter, but that I had less tartar in general.
It was like that moment from a Christmas Story when Ralphie was writing and dreaming about the Red Ryder he wanted for Christmas.
Last time I went, not only did she drone on about stains and tartar, she broke the news that I had a cavity.
I used to pride myself on having so few cavities…now I’m gaining acceptance into the multiple cavities club. That’s all right, though. I’m just glad my teeth are all still in my head.
Other than the water, I really haven’t been eating much differently.
Drinking water begets drinking more water
I figured out early on that I was going to have to pace myself if I was going to meet the requirement of drinking 128 ounces of water each day. I went out and got a 48 ounce Nalgene bottle.
I figured if I drank the first 48 ounces before lunch, the next 48 ounces before dinner, and the last 32 ounces before bed, I would easily be able to fit in an entire gallon’s worth of water.
I found however, not immediately, that when I drank that much water eventually I would want to drink more water.
Sure, there were days where I felt like it was a task to try to fit all this water in.
But, gradually, over the course of the month I really came to enjoy the taste of plain tap water, and really preferred that to anything else.
As I said before, I would drink some chaga tea in the morning, but I would use water from my Nalgene bottle to make the tea so that I could keep track the ounces I was consuming.
Sometimes, I would also add in a glass of juice.
But, that was pretty much the extent of any other liquid that I would drink – mostly because it wouldn’t “fit” or because figuring out how many ounces of liquid relative to what I’d already drank was more of a pain than just continuing to drink water.
So, interestingly, the more I drink water, the more I wanted to drink water. The more I drank the water, the more I would notice that I would crave just water and no other liquids.
During the course of a typical month, I personally experience perhaps 2-3 headaches.
I always chalked it up to hormones.
Or my glasses.
I have a pair that fit tightly on the bridge of my nose. Though I tried to get them fixed, it never quite seemed to work.
Wver the course of the month, I noticed that I did not get any headaches. This is a new thing for me.
I’d always heard since I was pretty young that a headache is usually one of the first signs of dehydration. Before this project, I always felt like I was drinking enough water to stave off dehydration.
Apparently not, however.
After this project is finished, since I already have this 48 ounce Nalgene bottle, I still want to strive to drink two of these bottles per day which will total 96 ounces.
I had no idea that I was so often dehydrated.
I had no idea that drinking so much water would completely eliminate this problem from my life – at least so far.
That is incentive enough to keep me drinking.
Weight loss
Another side effect of the water was noticing that I’d actually lost a little bit of weight.
I don’t own a scale, so I cannot say how much I have lost.
I just know that clothes are fitting more loosely and that I feel more slim.
(I figure if I keep active and eat right, I don’t need to worry about my exact weight. And, I’ve never been on a diet in my life, unless you consider “going vegetarian” a diet.)
I will say also that walking so much is also adding up, so that is part of it.
Since your body uses calories to process the water that you’re drinking, and water doesn’t have any, you are burning more calories just by hydrating yourself – without even trying that hard.
I didn’t really think about this before starting – weight loss was not the goal, but having that happen was an unexpected surprise.
I mean, water is something we drink every day, so I didn’t think about how adding a little more in would affect anything.
When I let someone know that I was drinking a gallon of water a day for this project, the first thing they’d ask (or think) was, “how much time are you spending in the bathroom?”
Well…chuckles aside, it wasn’t that much more than before because I was already so active with walking.
Getting 10,000 steps over the course of an entire day could theoretically equate to a little over an hour of walking at 4 mph, or 2 hours walking more slowly.
If you spread it out over the course of the day like I do, it means that you don’t ever sit for more than an hour at a time without going and walking for 10-20 minutes.
This always means that I’d need some water before and after and it was a great way to space out the water consumption and the steps. Which, yes, also meant spacing out bathroom visits.
Overall, I feel like drinking so much water has really helped with my overall sense of wellness and fitness.
I had to cut down on other foods and liquids to be able to drink all this water, but it has paid off.
I recommend doing this – at least for a little while. It really can show you just how important hydration is for your body.
What I missed
You know, I was glad when I was able to give up the caffeine from the tea and the glass of wine at dinner without noticing it that much.
I think it’s always good to do a little self check and make sure you don’t “need” any substance like those.
It was one of those moments where I thought, okay, good…
But there was something I missed a little bit: I never knew how much drinking wine was a social thing for me. (As a side note, me being an introvert, and having social anxiety for most of my life, you might understand that “social” can be a very interesting word for me.)
When we had family get-togethers, sitting out by the fire after grilling hamburgers (black bean burgers for me), folks had a glass of wine and others had beer.
I had my 48 ounce Nalgene bottle.
This project is making me notice little habits I have and little things that I hadn’t ever noticed before – that’s actually kind of neat.
I realize that I tend to drink more in these situations and whether that’s good or bad, it’s something that I notice I do.
I’ve missed being able to join in. However, from now on, I mightย also keep my Nalgene by my side. Like a little sidekick.ย In noticing all this, I also thought about how I really appreciate running water and hydration.
I am very aware that folks in some other countries still have to walk miles for their water – and carry what they need for an entire day.ย I’m also aware that many others face water shortages or have to drink dirty water.ย My heart goes out to them. My heart also beats with much gratitude for what I have.
And that’s just it…I think all this mindfulness makes my heart pump compassion into my veins. I also want to fix it and make it so that everyone has running water.
The other parts of the LIFE Project
For the rest of the LIFE Project, I’m keeping pace with all of my other intentions:โ
- Meditation continues to leave me in awe – the strokes of insight, the moments of calm in chaos, how connected I feel to everything, the way Iโm wanting to try new things that I havenโt done before–
- I’ve been going to qigong classes (just a couple so far) and this last time, after doing a rubbing hands exercise, I felt my chi! It’s an incredible electric feeling! I feel like that’s also because of all the meditation I’m doing.
- The mantras and affirmations are changing my mindset. I feel like the world is my oyster, in connection with the divine. It’s changing my relationship with how I view the terms “abundance,”and “money,” and how I can help the world with my own gifts.
- Adequate sleep: I ended up pretty much going to bed like I usually do, about 10:30pm and getting up around 6am – about 7.5 hours. I didn’t quite average 8 hours, but I still felt quite rested and rarely felt the need to nap.
- The news: For the month, I just looked at headlines. It was good to get that mental detox from all the things going on in the world. Sometimes I feel like I have its burdens on my shoulders – and that’s when I know I need to practice a little self-care. I all but avoided the news, save for one story about our disabled brothers and sisters whose lives will be adversely affected should the ACHA pass in the house and senate in the US. It was incredibly moving seeing those folks demand that they keep Medicaid and it makes me think I need to get right out there and march with them, too.
- And, I’ll talk about this more in next week’s post, but now I can go public with this information: Friday was my last day of “officially working for someone else.” It’s been a busy last few days meeting up with folks who wanted to catch up, celebrating birthdays, decompressing, spending time at the lake, and spending time with family. I’m quite behind on comments and visiting other folks’ blogs, but I will make a point of getting around to everyone.
I seriously am a huge water drinker and have been for years. Most of my week is spent drinking water throughout the day. This has just been my ritual for years now. As you said to all of the above benefits, I do feel it helps with this and so much more. I don’t really even second guess it and while I do mix in an occasional cup of coffee or tea and/on or alcoholic drink for special occasions, I agree water is where it is at for me, too! Happy Monday now, my friend and sending many summer hugs your way now!! xoxo <3
Sweet Janine! I seriously love your comments every week. I so look forward to your sweet words and your sweet smile. That’s so awesome that you also drink lots of water during the day. I didn’t realize that you did this, as well. But, it really does seem to help with so many things, doesn’t it? I don’t even second-guess it anymore, either. And, I definitely plan to drink at least 96 ounces per day after this month. (Well, except when I’m doing a lot of driving on the road, ha). In any case, sending you hugs, I hope you had a wonderful Monday, and that you’re getting to enjoy the wonderful summer weather. Have a wonderful week! XOXO
I thought I saw someone who looked very much like you floating by the neighborhood lately. LOL
Fascinating stuff here, Lil Sis…..and none of it, really, comes as a surprise. I have no doubt water has all of these qualities and effects.
Now go have a cup of coffee!!!!! You earned it!
Hey Big Bro! Some people have said I have a few doppelgรคngers here and there. Ha ha. Yeah, this water thing was pretty fascinating, actually. It shouldn’t have been a surprise for me, but still, I had no idea how much I would come to enjoy drinking plain old water. I never thought that drinking so much water would eliminate headaches, or that I would have so much energy. It’s a wonderful feeling. And yes, I can’t wait until Friday, when I can have some matcha tea again. It sounds like you drink coffee. So, go have a nice cup of Joe, and enjoy the rest of your wonderful day. Sending you big hugs from the other side of the country and here’s to lots of quail eggs coming your way! Ha ha.
Kudos on all your benefits, insights, and continued commitment to a year of living more intentionally, I admire your passion and dedication Cynthia. I drink about a half gallon of water a day. Maybe I’ll up it and see what happens, though I’ve heard that long term too much water isn’t good either.
Brad, thank you for stopping by and thank you for your kind words. I am truly committed to this project. There is something about this project that is spurring me on no matter what comes my way. Once I commit to doing something, I really try to follow through. To be sure I am perfectly imperfect; however, all we can ever do is try, right? I read somewhere recently, that men actually do need closer to a gallon of water a day, that depending on your height and weight, you might need more or less, but it’s really good for overall health. True, too much water too soon can be really bad. There is such a thing called water intoxication. And it effectively means that water can actually poison you. So it’s best to really space it out, and to be careful, and when in doubt, it’s always good to talk to a doctor, too. But thank you for your insights, and I hope you have a wonderful week!
Hi Cynthia…
I have to tell you following you on your journey has been a pleasure and a learning experience as I have been following your advice.
I truly feel that most people do not drink enough water. Avoiding headaches is essential, especially if you are prone to migraines. Mine are brought on by barometric pressure changes brought on by living close to the mountains. Drinking extra water has certainly helped.
Hope you have a great venture north, spending time with friends and family, they will be asking about the changes they see in you.
Hugs and blessings from Canada
Dear Rolly, I am so glad to have you following along on this journey. It has been so incredible reading and hearing about your own journey, as well. After doing this water experiment, I also think that most people do not drink enough water. I had no idea what the results would be starting this project out. I do seen a couple websites about drinking a gallon of water a day, but I did not read that much about all the different benefits – I had read that you might look more healthy, or that your digestion would improve, but other than that I hadn’t read that much. I wanted to experience drinking this water without too much prior knowledge – just to see what I would personally experience. And you know, I really can feel the difference. So much so, that I really want to continue drinking more water than I think I need. I would mentally keep track of how much water I drank before this experiment. But it was always a guesstimate- I drink a glass of juice here, some tea over there, the contents of a smaller water bottle, perhaps something to drink with lunch, things like that. But, I really must have not been drinking enough to have my headaches completely go away. In any case, we will be heading north in about a week and a half, and yes, I am slated to meet fellow blogger, Clark, from the Wakefield doctrine. I feel like I will be meeting an old friend because we have corresponded for so many years now, but I am really looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to all the sacred places were going to see. I appreciate you, and your wonderful comments, and I’m sending you warm hugs from the southeast. Much love and light.
Big smiles here dear Cynthia and so loved that photo of you swallowing the waterfall.. lol.. Really made me giggle..
I have to say what my daughter has kept telling me your post has now got me convinced I need MORE water .. I thought I drank loads, but when you put it as you have done, its not half the content of what you are drinking a day..
I just hope the bladder holds up.. LOL.. ๐
Joking aside though, its wonderful to read the remarkable affects you have felt since giving up caffine and wine and drinking more water..
Again loved your video.. I think I was the first to hop to it there lol.. and so loved that you chose the outside as your setting.
And your hygienist is spot on… You GLOW… you positively look like you are Blooming.. as you radiate your shine from the inside out..
So loved watching your video ๐
What I am going to do now is buy a little bottle, well large! bottle to contain water in.. I usually drink lots of bottled water during the week.. But got to thinking.. I will write key words and stick them on the water bottle.. Such as LOVE, Peace, Kindness,etc.. And try to also empower the water.. I am sure you are familiar with Dr Emoto.. and his water experiments.. So will give that a go..
I may not reach the amounts you do in a day.. But hopefully the water I drink may get energised.. We are over 70% water .. So its not surprising that our bodies respond to fresh water to flush out the toxins we digest in our modern day world..
Wonderful achievement again Cynthia.. Sending Huge HUGS your way my friend ๐๐๐ Sue ๐
Ha ha, Sue, that picture of me at the waterfall was after hubby, and two other friends and I hiked to see that beauty, and then I thought it would be really funny to take a picture of me trying to drink it all. You know, just to illustrate the point of drinking walks of water. Giggle.
I have discovered that water can really be an acquired taste, especially if you’re not that excited about drinking it. Now, that’s my go to drink, and I don’t mind it at all. As long as you remain active, the bladder should hold up. Hee hee.
I am pretty astounded at the way I feel, and the effects of drinking so much water. I’m convinced that I always need to drink more water than I think I do now.
Oh, the video. Thank you so much for watching. I’m putting those out into the world, and I’m not sure of their impact, but I figure if I have another way of spreading love and kindness, then perhaps that’ll help a person or two over at YouTube. I am enjoying making them more, and I’m interested in learning how to make them better. I do know that it it might be a good idea to try to make them a little shorter, but for now, it’s a way of at least getting practice and more comfortable in front of the camera.
I had to crack up at my hygienist. We had a really fun conversation while I was at the dentist. And it is really interesting. During the last two weeks of June, people did seem to notice something different. They didn’t always know what, but sometimes they would ask, and sometimes they would say your skin, what’s up with that?
I love your idea of buying a little bottle – or a big bottle – I found that having a new bottle to drink out of makes it more fun to drink water. Not that there’s anything wrong with my old water bottles, but getting a new larger one really helped to motivate me. It’s kind of like when you get a new pair of sneakers, you want to go outside and exercise way more than is necessary, or, at least I do.
You know, I hadn’t even thought about infusing the water with love and peace and kindness – that is a brilliant idea. I am familiar with Dr. a motel. In fact, at our afterschool program, during the first year, we did a rice experiment after watching Dr. Enomoto’s videos. We had the control rice, the love rice, and the dislike rice. With the control rice we didn’t talk to it at all. Next, we said loving things to the love rice. We said unkind things to the dislike rice. At the end of 30 days, the love rice was sprouting and happy and not molding. The dislike rice was rotting, sad, and moldy. I am only beginning to grasp the energy behind our thoughts, words, and actions.
But I think I want to try what you’re doing, too. Drinking a potion of love. I just love that! But, yes, I will continue drinking at least two of these very large water bottles a day.
Thank you for your sweet, sweet words, dear Sue. You always brighten my days, and your insights just give me so much to think about, and work with, and to contemplate. Sending you huge hugs, and wishes for a wonderful week. XOXO
Dear Cynthia,
I have always loved to drink water – I prefer water to any other drink around.
I am fortunate to have a light summer schedule – I am planning to make July my month of detoxing with a gallon a day.
I had always thought I drank a lot of water – turns out when I measure, I only average about 64 oz / daily.
Thank you for your inspiration and example. Lots of love and keep going! Hugs, Maria
Sweet Maria, I would imagine that you being a nurse, you would really know how beneficial drinking water is. It’s wonderful that you have such a background in wonderful health practices. I love that you’re going to try this, too.
Before this project, I thought I drank enough water, too. But, not getting headaches? That tells me that I have been chronically dehydrated for years! Maybe not by much, but the fact that my headaches went away this last month? I just can’t believe the difference! Thank you, as always, for your lovely, warm comments. You brighten my day, and I look forward to reading your words! Sending you hugs, XOXO.
I agree with you . More water. I drink water all day every day. I do still on occasion had one cup of watered down coffee but do notice the dehydrating effects of it. My sister calls what I drink, colored water. ๐ I am never without water and have noticed that when I don’t get enough or have something that dehydrates, it affects even my vision. Yes, Lots of trips to the bathroom but well worth it. Very often I put lemon in my water. I read that it helps the water not pass through so quickly. I’m not sure I can drink a whole gallon though. Working up to it.
Marlene – oh, yes. More water for everyone! Hehe. That’s so interesting you notice the dehydrating effects of coffee – you’re in tune with your body and that’s really good! But to have it affect your vision – yowza. Hydration is definitely a priority here. Apparently, putting citrus in your water could increase the beverage hydration index – a good thing. There was something about that in the National Geographic – orange juice is better at hydrating your body than even water! But, not if you don’t want extra sugar or the calories. But putting lemon in water seems like a great compromise, actually. That’s a great idea! As for a whole gallon, it’s one of those things that really depends so much on your activity, your height, weight, consumption of other watery foods or liquids – there are many variables. Some days a gallon wasn’t enough, and other days it felt like just too much – but not bad. It’s not something I’ll continue to do for that reason, but drinking two big water bottles’ worth seems to be a good alternative. ๐ Your comment made me think about so many fun things, though. Thank you! Sending hugs!