Welcome to the August edition of the LIFE Project.
If you’re new or want to know what the LIFE Project is, just click here.
For the rest of you wonderful souls, I’ll do a quick recap of July’s LIFE Project before delving into August.
The month of sacred travel. I learned so much about myself, other people, beautiful places.
If you want a recap of these places, take a look at July Travels so far, The personal retreat and Wrapping up a month of sacred travels.
As for the meditation, mantras, affirmations and 10K daily steps, I will share that I used 1.5 LIFE days:
LIFE Day 1:
Wed 7/7: didn’t get to 10,000 steps due to travel
Friday 7/9: didn’t get to 10K steps due to travel
Tuesday 7/11: didn’t get to 10K steps due to travel
Friday 7/14: didn’t finish steps due to travel
Saturday 7/15: didn’t finish steps due to travel
LIFE Day 2:
Sunday 7/16: didn’t finish steps due to travel
Monday 7/17: didn’t finish steps due to travel
Traveling makes it really difficult, I found, to get 1-2 hours of daily exercise in.
I managed to meditate every day, though it looked really different than sitting in standard meditative position. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to get into a pose while out camping next to someone so they can look at me like I’ve been overtaken by an extraterrestrial entity.
So, when I would wake up in the mornings, I would lay there and time myself with a stopwatch for 1 hour. I’d focus on my breathing. While this still technically counts, I did miss regular meditation while traveling.
I would include my usual graphs of data, but I’ll be honest: there are gaps all over the place. It’s due to my phone not being charged (it was hard to keep it charged when it was constantly looking for a signal in very rural, remote places), having to keep it off, or not being near it due to being in the tent and it being in the car, safe from the elements.
It wouldn’t register steps, nor would it register my “mindful minutes.” I hope you will take my word for it that I have used 1.5 LIFE days. 🙂
But, despite not getting to my step quota every single day due to travel time, I wasn’t that far off from the previous three months in my step counts:
I actually got more steps in July than in June, despite missing about 10 total days (some days I did other sports like mountain biking or gardening).
There were some days I got 15,000 or even 20,000 steps from exploring and hiking. But if we had a 5-6 hour drive, plus stops on the way, and then setting up camp and cooking meals, it was difficult to go off and get all those steps.
Each day, however, I would recite my mantras to myself, as well as my affirmations.
July was a pretty life-changing month.
In the future, I will craft more projects / intentions for travel. I love to travel and then I love coming home to relish in my adventures.
I also read, “You are a badass,” by Jen Sincero. That book will be a permanent part of my library to re-read whenever I need some inspiration.
If you’re not easily offended by expletives, this book is every woman’s “get to it already” guide to fulfilling your potential. I highly recommend it!
August has begun and I’ve had to change up some of the original intentions from the start of the project (for what I planned for August), namely the walking marathon. If you’ve been following along, you’ll recall that I wanted to complete it this month, but I couldn’t find a walking-only venue during this month.
(And, I didn’t want my first experience with it to be part of a regular marathon where they allowed “walkers.” I know I would have felt the pressure of trying to run or get to the finish line faster because, you know, all the runners would have been done hours before.)
I thought I might create my own marathon. But then trying to get permits and work with the police and fire departments was outside of the scope (and budget – apparently, permits can cost $500US, each) of this project, so I decided to postpone.
There is a walking (only!) marathon the first Saturday of June each year called the Wisconsin Walk in Stevens Point, WI and there’s the Bataan Memorial Death March (what a name!) in White Sands Missile Range, NM in March of each year. I intend to do one of these, but all in good time. At least I won’t have to organize it, as well.
As for the other LIFE Project intentions, here goes:
- publish the companion journal to the Tree of Life Coloring Book
- DECIDE whether to publish (or re-publish) three paranormal fiction novels under pen name, CJ Pallid
- otherwise, write, edit, publish, rinse, repeat
- AND/OR: draw/paint, refine, compile for publication or giveaway, repeat
- read, “The Alchemist,” “The Little Prince,” and “A Wrinkle in Time”
- go on a spending fast
- vegan recipe research
- continue 60 minutes of daily meditation, mantras, affirmations and journal writing
Tree of Life Companion Journal
I’ve been working on new drawings, poems, questions, and writing prompts for this journal. It will contain some of the same images from the coloring book, but only as backgrounds. There will be lots of fun exercises on intentions, mindfulness, gratitude, active meditation, and coloring. Target date: August 15.
Publish Paranormal Fiction?
I am in the process of deciding…
I published the one paranormal fiction novel just on Kindle last year.
When I went on my personal retreat, I determined that I needed to publish the other two and update the first book. Or so I thought.
I yearn to write a different kind of fiction – one that inspires and I don’t feel that this does.
For about five minutes, I thought I would publish these under the Sageleaf name. But, the genre is too different.
These books are more for “market” (I know, the dreadful “M” word) and deal with paranormal fiction.
The Sageleaf name is for inspiration and spreading love. I know that sounds cheesy. But, it’s not compatible with rogue spirits and sick and twisted plot ideas.
Notwithstanding, paranormal fiction has been a fun diversion for me to write, even if it’s not where I want my focus to be.
True, I’ve spent months of time working on these. But I’m not upset at the fact that I could consider these “practice.”
Recently I heard a pretty successful author on a podcast say to “write 3 or 4 books before you really try to publish.” This may or may not be sound advice, but her point was that you need to practice and the best way to do that is by writing novels.
There are no big launches planned. I’m also not overly concerned with how well they could do…or might not.
I don’t feel they are my absolute best writing – because I am learning to do better all the time.
Shakespeare was not known for his early plays. As he kept writing, though, he was able to craft them into masterpieces.
I want to keep trying to create my masterpiece.
But that’s the fun of publishing under a pen name. If I had some fun writing these and someone enjoys them, I may decide to publish them.
By August 11 (when I’m supposed to be finished with the coloring book), I will decide when/what to publish of these. Or, call them practice and get started on the REAL book.
Draw/Paint, Refine, Compile for Giveaway or publish, Repeat
I have been wanting to do something for awhile: create a mandala painting and give it away. If you would like to have some input on what I might do, let me know in the comments.
I’m thinking about something like this: create a mandala using a scheme of colors. I’ll meditate to see what I should name it: peace, love, hope, unity, that sort of thing.
But I value your input: what’s your favorite color scheme, or colors that you would like to see? What would you be interested in calling it?
Three Books to Read
Read “The Alchemist”
- I once read this in Spanish, but have wanted to revisit it – it’s the fiction version (and a REALLY good one) of a personal development story
- As of this writing, I have already finished this wonderful book and book discussions can happen on the I & S Facebook page.
Read “The Little Prince”
- I only just started this little book, but it has illustrations in it and it’s a classic about a Little Prince from another planet.
- I know that many folks have found it to be inspirational and will serve as inspiration for when I tackle more visionary fiction-type books
Read “A Wrinkle in Time”
- I once read this for a school book report in 4th grade, but do not remember it. It came up in searches about books that inspire.
I know that I’ve read so much nonfiction personal development, it’s time to read fiction versions – especially if I would eventually like to explore visionary fiction some more.
The books I’m poring over this month.
A Spending Fast
A spending fast…to propel into the future
Y’all, part of this intention project is to move into a life where every action, every thought, every activity is mired in intention.
That is, I do it because it moves me closer to a life that is mindful, spiritual, and filled with activities that fill my heart – not take away from it.
I had a feeling when I started this project back in April that I would be looking at a career “crossroads” after July.
I just had this funny feeling then that I’d be steering my life in a completely different direction.
I also knew I’d be looking at my finances in July and August. Last month I analyzed them. This month, I’m cutting them.
For the next 30 days, I will not be purchasing anything I don’t need. I have certain bills – just like everyone else.
It’s an effort to pare down expenses so I can focus on my intentions – that’s part of what’s driving this.
The intention of getting a creative business going, the intention of having enough time and resources to do so is also driving my heart.
I’m using the discount grocery store (which has a wonderful organic selection at a fraction of the cost of a regular grocery store), cooking from scratch, and not eating out. I’ve planned all my meals for the month. I’ve called the cable company and got our internet bill reduced.
Full disclosure: we didn’t cancel cable last month. While most of my screen time is on the computer, I do watch a little television.
It’s become a bit of an outlet for us: it serves as a way to have background documentaries of educational shows on while I’m drawing or when husby is working, as well. For now, we’ll keep it, but if we find it to become a burden, we will cancel.
In the meantime, I’m moving forward.
I know from past forays into the creative realm that I also need to have social interaction.
I plan on signing up to do substitute teaching. It’s not a segue into education again; it’s a way to help maintain enough freedom and energy to do creative endeavors.
By not teaching under contract, I can come and go more easily, taking jobs as I need or want. This allows me to be in control: I can decide if I want to do a particular job or work on a particular day.
Vegan Recipe Research
I have already compiled dozens of links and checked out two books on vegan cooking.
I’m trying this out for 30 days September, but since I like cheese and eggs, I want to build in ways to not eat cheese or eggs over the course of the next few weeks.
It may be as simple as eating beans for breakfast. Or it might be more complex. I’m investigating all that this month so that the transition to next month is easier.
Help Me Choose!
I will be concluding the Tree of Life companion journal. I am looking at starting another coloring book soon.
But, you can help me decide!
I’m thinking about doing haikus.
I’ve been writing a haiku each day (with the exception of all the days I traveled in July) and creating pretty images to go with them on Canva, then sending them out on Twitter. (You can see them here – just scroll down until you start seeing them.)
But, what if I created haikus and put a coloring page with them?
Or, what if I did something like “totem” animals (owls, bears, wolves, foxes, turtles, etc.)?
Still, I’ve thought about a coloring book just on owls.
Or patterns.
Or just flowers.
Or butterflies.
Or “power animals” like turtles, dragonflies, butterflies, hawks, owls, eagles, bears, hummingbirds.
Or more mandalas.
Or the four directions.
Or, all of these!
What do you think?
[poll id=”3″]
Quick Update on Social Media + Newsletters
For the purposes of this project, I think I have come up with a fun idea:
- Each day I will post a haiku on a pretty background to Twitter (unless I create a haiku coloring book, in which case, I’ll resume when I’m finished).
- Book discussions are ongoing on the I & S Facebook page.
- Pictures of all my walking (and exercise adventures) will be on Instagram
- Y’all, I’m kind of terrible about keeping up with newsletters. So…starting Friday, I’m going to send out weekly newsletters with free things, such as a coloring page, flash fiction, meditation tips, short stories, and more. It’s a way to stay more connected with you, but also to share things I love to create.
I totally voted and excited to see what you decide on this. That said loved the update, but cannot believe it is already August here. My girls go back to school after Labor Day, but still summer seems to be flying right on by now. Oh well, we have another Disney trip planned and if nothing else I have that to look forward to even if I am not a fan of the colder upcoming weather and seasons in all honesty. Happy Monday ay now and sending you so much love and hugs, too always xoxo <3
Janine – thank you. I love that you voted for haikus! 😀 I can’t believe it’s August, too. Time goes by so fast. I agree. I’m glad you still have a few weeks with the girls, though. Can’t believe “back to school” season is already here. Man…my job only ended 23 June. So…it’s just a little over a month. Hehe. So glad you get to go BACK to Disney! So fun! What special experiences you’ve giving to the girls – and to you both, too. I’m not a fan of the cooler weather, but I look at it this way: I can tolerate the cold for the young flowers of spring, the lush green of summer and the golden colors of autumn. 🙂 I at least try to take advantage with some skiing in the wintertime. 😀 Happy Monday to you! Sending you sweet hugs! xo
I call that a full month, Lil Sis! If I wrote down everything I’m going to do, I’d be too exhausted to do it. LOL
My vote is for hummingbirds, but if not that then butterflies. I can’t think of anything prettier or more fun to color.
Hugs, Lil Sis…have a superb day!
You know, Big Bro, writing all that out, I was like :O – I had to tweak it a few times to be sure I wasn’t completely overwhelming myself. LOL. I love your vote. Whatever the turnout, I will keep hummingbirds and butterflies in mind. They are beautiful creatures. Hugs to you and thank you as always for your friendship and support. BIG HUGS
I’m continually amazed at your productivity Cynthia. Maybe that comes from being more in line with your purpose. And it seems like more work than I would be willing to do or commit to. And I’m happy that you feel inspired to keep so many intentional projects going. Kudos.
Brad – aww, thank you! Here’s a little secret: the amount of work ANY of us does in a month is staggering. STAGGERING. Seeing it all at once can be a bit overwhelming. This initially was REALLY overwhelming, and then I tweaked it to be more manageable. The bottom line is productivity and creativity, and sharing with the world. So, that’s what I’m setting out to do. 🙂 I feel alive doing this, yes. I feel like my work is lining up with my purpose more and more and more. I am trying to answer the call – each month doing something in alignment with the direction I want to go. I feel called, but no, it isn’t always easy. Worthwhile? Absolutely. Easy? Absolutely not. LOL. But I think it’s also an evolving journey. One that we all are a part of. We’re all works in progress, doing different things for different purposes. What I’m doing can’t even compare to what you’re doing: the beautiful posts you create all have their own purpose and essentially I could say that your intentions for the month are to post 12 blog posts – and THAT seems staggering to me. 🙂 So, see? We all have a different purpose and calling and I can totally see you are fulfilling yours. Sending you big hugs and wishes for an awesome week! BIG HUGS
Thanks for your kind and wise response Cynthia. I appreciate the reminder that we’re each contributing in our own ways. 🙂 I’m glad we’re both following the calling of our passions and purposes. Hugs and blessings my friend.
Brad – exactly. I love, LOVE the contribution you’re making. And it’s evident from the amount of people who like your posts and comment. They love it, too. So keep on being awesome. 🙂 Hugs and blessings to you! HUGS!!!
There is a whole lot here but I must be brief. I was curious about the four directions circles. I feel like that’s where I’m going every minute of the day. 🙂 I don’t think I’ve ever sat down to color. Have everything to do it but the time. I’ve set myself a goal for 7000 steps 5 days a week. This week has been a struggle because of the smoke from fires in BC. Really heavy. You have so much going on. Some days it’s hard to find direction because so much is vying for attention. Enjoy the journey.
Marlene – how’s that computer coming along? 🙂 Four directions – it’s sort of like Native American sandpaintings (essentially, their own version of the mandalas). There’s always a north, south, east and west, with each direction meaning something. I’ve done paintings on this before, but not coloring pages. I just thought if someone was interested, I might explore that idea further, too. 🙂 If you do a google image search of “4 directions art” all kinds of stuff will come up. And, you’re so creative, I’d be willing to be that you might enjoy coloring. 🙂 And 7000 steps 5 days a week is nothing to sneeze at. GOOD FOR YOU!! So proud! And DO be careful with all that smoke. THAT IS something to sneeze at. As for me having stuff going on…well, the bottom line is that I’m lighting a fire to be productive. 🙂 And you’re right: so much is vying for our attention. That’s where I think doing some type of contemplative activity where we can “shut the mind down” for awhile and just be helps so much. Doing so much walking and meditating, and drawing and even writing – all this helps me so, so, so much. This is also why I like to share my journey – perhaps others might find some joy in the contemplative experience. 🙂 In any case, I’m so glad you came by. Can’t wait to see what you’re up to. Sending you big hugs! BIG HUGS! 😀
I so admire what you were able to achieve in July dear Cynthia.. and another impressive list of to do’s for August.. I think you are wise in considering relief work for teaching, to be able to be in control of your own work schedule.. And I know as you know if it is all meant to work out the way it should it will all fit into place beautifully..
Loving your book choices.. The Alchemist is good.. Not heard of the others.. And while I would love nothing better to add to my own reading collection.. I know at the moment I am not focused on reading..
Like you and your creative side in writing, and creating a book.. I have found myself focusing upon a tale in poem.. a story is unravelling and it holds magic too.. I may email you a small except of it.. For it has gripped me to write a few verses each night..
So I am all for your own poetry style to create with drawings sounds wonderful.. I know you will allow yourself to go within its flow and it will flow beautifully I am sure.
I voted upon your poll.. Totem animals always interest me.. So I would think that would be a great one to go with.. But again, I feel you should be drawn by your own gut and not swayed by ours.. 🙂
Sending continued love, and support dear Cynthia.. I feel you are in your Zone!.. And expanding each month.. lol.
Love to you.. <3 Hugs Sue xxx Look out for that email.. 😍😁
Sweet Sue –
Your lovely comments always make me smile! July was definitely busy but so, so much fun. Such intention. And such a feeling of love. Yes – controlling the work schedule. 😉 I have and will work out a schedule and you’re right: I have a ‘nonattachment’ to the outcome. Hehe. I love, LOVE the Alchemist. The others are kids’ fiction. I am now enjoying A Wrinkle in Time. 🙂 Your poem, Sue, is beyond incredible. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I can totally see why it gripped you to write it. It’s just phenomenal! And I can’t wait to see if you decide to illustrate it. And I will incorporate your suggestions into the upcoming book. 🙂 Sending YOU continued love. You are a light in my life and life is as it should be. <3 Love to you, too. Hugs! xoxo
Dear Cynthia,
I had ‘double the pleasure’ this morning reading this inspiring post and your first (and fabulous) newsletter.
You are truly following your heart’s path and it is exciting to see your self-growth each month.
As far as your fictional writing, I loved the flash story you shared in your newsletter- gave me hope and food for thought and that wins over paranormal for me every time.
Sending you hugs, peace and love, Maria
Sweet Maria – hehe, that’s so awesome. Glad you liked the post and the newsletter! I am doing my best to answer the call of my heart and yes…each month’s challenges invite me to grow – beyond what I thought was possible. 🙂
I am thrilled you liked the flash fiction story. I am really enjoying writing them – one just about every day. It’s better than paranormal for me. I feel like my heart wants to express itself this way. 🙂
Sending you hugs, peace and love, too, sweet friend! Thank you so, so much!
Hi Cyndi! You have such energy – wow, 20,000 steps some days! Your name Sageleaf is not cheesy at all so you needn’t worry about that 🙂 I vote for power animals! Hugging you, dear friend <3 Keep up the great projects and inspiration!
Christy – ah, hehe. Here’s a pre-post secret: I wrote tomorrow’s post about energy. lol. I swear it’s all the walking. The amounts of energy I get from it – wowza! Thank you for the wonderful feedback and your sweet words. I could just hug you, sweet friend! I hope you have a wonderful week and you, too, are an inspiration. <3 Sending hugs!
Yes, so did I, love the Alchemist too.. So many things interwoven within it.. Show us how we are all Alchemists if we truly believe.. Thank you again for the feedback on my poem.. I am having some time to just catch my breath again now the story has sort of poured out of me.. And will be taking a good look at the site you mentioned for sure.. Just too much happening other than sitting at my key board right now to give it all the attention it deserves.. But once next week is over.. I hope to concentrate more and I think I will be having a go to see if I can illustrate it.. and do it justice.. I am very self critical though of my artwork.. lol.. But never say never as my Dad would say.. 🙂 Love and Hugs right back.. 🙂 <3
Sue – Yes! I could read the Alchemist again and probably get even more out of it. 🙂 What an incredible story when he conjures up that storm! And your poem – ever since I’ve read it, I’ve told a couple close friends that I know this talented poet and that I hope she publishes it because it’s an incredible story involving so much symbolism. And I understand about things happening: life goes at light speed sometimes. I quite enjoy it, but I also have moments where I just need to disconnect. I needed to do that the latter part of this week (hence my tardiness in responding to comments), but I listened to my body. It was saying, “Oh, Energizer Bunny, you need to chill out…right about now!” Hehe. So, I did. I suppose starting new work – even if it’s work I love – still is taxing on the body. Yes, I’m with you: we’re going to see the eclipse tomorrow, the day after that is a long day of school because it’s parent night and I agreed to help them, and then trying to publish the journal. Once this week is over…hehe. Please don’t be self-critical. Or, wait…we creatives are all self-critical. BUT, 1. Your work is phenomenal and 2. If we hold out until we think everything is perfect, we might not ever produce anything at all. So, I say go for it, let intuition guide you, connect to Source and you will SHINE. Because you’re so special and connected, sweet friend. Love and hugs to you! Have a wonderful week! xoxo
Thank you Cynthia for your words of wisdom and sound advice.. I am taking it on board.. And you did right to listen to your body.. Taking time for ourselves is so important, especially over the next few weeks.. I will be doing the same.. I have a hospital appointment this afternoon.. ( Nothing bad, just a regular check up ) and I have my granddaughter tonight and all day tomorrow, A funeral on Wednesday, and want to help hubby in the garden.. And then its a Bank Holiday weekend.. So want to chill.. So I may take a week off Blogging for a bit.. ( I also purchased a Ukulele and want to see if I can have better success than the guitar… My hands are not wanting to reach all the chords on the guitar..
I had a dream last night of playing it like a pro.. LOL.. and not even got to grips with it get.. But want to learn.. So will be devoting time to that..
And yes.. I will remember to breathe.. lol.. Sending MUCH love and MANY thanks.. <3 Sue xxx
Sue – I can’t wait to see what all you come up with regarding your poem. Yes – I’ve been making a point to take care of myself as I can (intermittent spots of downtime are what I’m looking for as the school year gears up where I’m working at the moment). Hopefully the doc’s appointment went just dandy, and that you’re enjoying this time with your granddaughter. Sorry about the funeral, though. :/ But I love how you exhibit that balance: by stepping away when you have to. This is so good.
Now, regarding the guitar: oh man, the “F chord” is one I’ve *always* struggled with. But the ukulele sounds like it will be so much fun! And playing like a pro! I love that – I expect you’ll have to share some awesome videos of your awesome playing! Sending you love and light and wishes for musical, happy adventures for you this week. <3