Friends, September ended and I successfully completed a month of eating a vegan diet.
I slipped up once: on 30 September: I bought a bag of Funyuns (you know, those onion-ring-flavored things) and started devouring them because I needed some carbs – stat. Looked at the ingredients, and there was one little mention about buttermilk way down on the list.
Eh…it was a miniscule amount. And I devoured the bag. Y’all, I’m sorry. I had like a tenth or a tenth of an ounce of buttermilk on the very last day of being vegan…but I sort of didn’t care. I mean, I couldn’t care. I mean those dang things were so good…
Who Me? Vegan?
So, friends, I loved doing this challenge. I learned a lot.
I learned things like, I’m probably not cut-out to be full-on vegan.
I was kind of starving the whole time. I’m sure I was doing something wrong. But I also didn’t want to spend unlimited amounts of money eating every plant form I could find….
I ate lots of tofu, tempeh, beans, rice, sweet potatoes, veggie crumbles, vegan butter, hummus, chick peas, salads, and even almond-milk-based ice cream.
It was all good. Really good.
Except I never felt like I had enough. I’d eat one thing, and then 20 minutes later, I’d be looking for something else. And then I’d eat some protein-thing and then want pasta. Then I’d want more salad stuff.
I figured out that my lifestyle is not conducive to the prep time required for many of these vegan meals. One usually has to let a block of tofu drain into paper towels for an hour or two on the counter and if you forget to do that? There goes that dinner idea, unless you don’t mind soggy tofu.
I hear there are athletes who are 100% plant powered. I bet their secret is that they spend serious amounts of money on food every month. I mean serious amounts of money.
I lost weight. I have no idea how much. I refuse to buy a scale. But at the moment, all my clothes look like they’re hand-me-downs from Big Sister.
That’s cool. I’m sure the DiGiorno Cheese-stuffed Crust pizza that I’ll be eating tonight will fill me right out.
So here’s the verdict: joking aside, I love that I haven’t participated in the cruel system that is the agriculture industry in the United States for the last month.
Whenever and as much as I can, I intend to buy eggs and cheese from local farmers (hello, Farmer’s Market!) who treat their animals not as food output factories, but as members of their family. You know…where the animals have names and they live a really good life.
I’m still vegetarian 100%, though.
And yeah, in the future I’ll still try not to participate in the big-biz animal industry.
But man…I need eggs. And cheese. My arteries and heart probably disagree, and I’ll still eat vegan as much as I can, too.
Except for maybe breakfast. Because eggs. And cheese. And PROTEIN.
And who knows…maybe I’ll figure out the right balance that is right for me…and my budget.
Other September Accomplishments of the LIFE Project
Walking 10,000 steps
During the month of September, there were a total of six days where I didn’t reach 10,000 steps. Three of these days were due to gardening or other forms of exercise, but three of them were due to me trying to help the little school where I work get their book published.
I was working on editing and layout and though the book still needs work, it’ll be a saleable draft version in time for the mindfulness conference coming up next week.
To that end, we were under a time crunch to get it to the printing company and that meant some long days in front of the computer.
No matter if you’re publishing for yourself or if you’re helping someone else to publish something, the process is still the same. There is ALWAYS the mad rush to send as perfect a document as possible to the printing company.
Meditation, Mantras, Affirmations
In my post about the “Not So Good Side of Mediation” I talked about needing to change up my meditation style and routine.
This has been good.
During that silent hour, I do some visualizing, some mantra recitation, go over the affirmations I’ve outlined for myself and now include my journaling.
It’s a nice way to spend that time in the morning and I feel better that I’m honoring my needs there.
I forgot to set my timer that day on September 3…but I have not missed a day of meditation: this activity is too important to me.
Vegan Cookbooks
I flipped through and tried some recipes from various books and found others online. These cookbooks served as my official September reading, though I read other books, too.
My favorite recipes were:
- vegan chili and vegan cornbread
- pasta with “cheesy alfredo sauce” made from silken tofu, garlic and other spices
- tofu scramble
- barbecued tempeh
- fried potatoes with a veggie crumble/onion/broccoli topping, with some vegan cheese
And…I have figured out how to make THE BEST pot of pinto beans with veggie ingredients and herbs. They taste as good as my mom’s and my mom trained at a cooking school. No joke.
(Want to know? I get dried beans, sort and rinse them, soak them overnight and then cook them in the same water they soaked in. I add about 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 tbsp of chili powder, 1 tbsp cumin, 3-4 cloves minced garlic, and other spices such as oregano and basil at 1 tsp each. Then I cook on low in the slow cooker for 6-8 hours. Makes the best stuff!)
Haikus and Poetry
I continued to work on daily (or almost daily) haikus and posted them over at Twitter. I’m now thinking I want to compile them, along with the haiku coloring pages I’m working on, into a little mindful book.
As I work on that, I’ll let you know more details. This would serve as the “poetry” book I want to publish during this project. But, it’ll just be here on the website. As I work on it, I’ll share more details, because my ideas are still changing and morphing.
I also completed several longer poems. Take a look at this post on Mother Earth and The Peaceful Hawk.
The October LIFE Project: Connecting with loved ones
In Continuation…
There are the standard parts of the project I carry over from month to month:
- 60 minutes of meditation (and whatever that looks like right now)
- mantras
- affirmations
- 10K steps per day
Making Connections
If you recall from the original LIFE Project plan and layout, I intended for this to be a month where I visit family and friends, as well as send out freebies from Intuitive and Spiritual as outlined below:
- visit family near and far
- visit friends near and far
- send out artwork to I & S selected followers
- strengthen relationships with family via letters
- do something social I don’t want to do
- give something to everyone I meet
- volunteer somewhere
I’m pretty much on track, but with a few changes.
The first is regarding visiting family. When I first crafted this project, I was at one job where I would have had a week or two to travel. Alas, I am not in the same position anymore.
Visiting Family and Friends
I may still end up traveling. I’m not sure, yet, but I’m needing to visit an ailing family member who may not have much time left. I may need to take a long weekend to do so. The tricky part is navigating this travel around work and needing to see other family, etc.
I already have some new friends (from my voyages to the farmer’s market) who are pretty awesome and we’re trying to get together toward the middle of the month.
Artwork and Cards
For the other parts, this won’t be an everyday thing, but I intend to send out cards to friends and family just to say, “I’m thinking of you” and “Happy birthday” to others.
I intend to send out some artwork and/or have giveaways on the blog. I’m going to leave you hanging on that one because I’m cooking up something that I hope you will really enjoy.
Last year, I wrote a post about “giving something to everyone you meet” and I really want to work on that this month. Whether it’s a smile, a hug, a greeting, a nod, a card, a flower, or something like that, I really want to incorporate this as a daily part of this project.
Volunteer and Social Opportunities
I have been working on finding volunteer opportunities that suit my personality and time needs and will continue to do so. I’m looking at helping Manna Food bank with food pickup, but it’s still in process. If not, I’ll continue to look for other opportunities – ones especially where I can use my Spanish speaking skills.
As I said in that original LIFE Project post, I know I need to work on meeting new people. I’ve lived in this new town for a couple years and haven’t had a chance to get out a lot. And, well, working at home on a computer writing or working at school doing the same thing isn’t conducive to cultivating relationships. The time factor plays a role, too.
BUT, I have met new folks as a result of “doing something social I don’t want to do.” And it’s not that I don’t want to do it, it’s that I don’t feel like it after a long day, you know what I mean?
I am glad, however, that I’m taking a 9-week class called “Building Bridges” head up by the Equity Director at the school where I work. It’s a class about breaking down racism, striving for equity, and meeting people where they are to create a more just world. I get home late on Tuesday nights and makes for a 13.5-hour day by the time I include my commute time, but it’s a great class.
I’ve met some awesome people, and it’s made me closer to work colleagues.
Conversations With God
Originally this month I was going to read, “The End of Money: Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies, Dreamers and the Coming Cashless Society” by David Wolman and I’m very much looking forward to that.
But ever since I read the first Conversations with God book, I’ve wanted to continue the series. The theme of the second book is fitting, as it talks about things from a global perspective, takes a look at politics, and geopolitical issues. So, that is going to be my October reading pick.
This is incredibly important to me. I think about our planet, each other, the animals, the plants, and everything between all the time. I have this need to fix it all, though I know I cannot. At least not in a way where I carry the world on my shoulders. We humans are meant to carry our own weight, not the weight of an entire globe.
This is why I work on my inner-self so much. Because it helps me to know myself. To know what I’m capable of putting out into the world.
And what I put out into the world, I feel, needs to be inspiring and uplifting. Without hope, what have we got?
So there’s my project outline for this month.
I want to close by saying that I’ve received some AWESOME feedback and messages from folks in the past month. Keep them coming. I love you all.
Seriously love how you admitted here that you did try eating vegan, but in the end an all vegan lifestyle isn’t really for you. Your honesty truly is such a breath of fresh air on this and more. Seriously, I pretty much know as much as I could try to be healthier with stuff like this, I’d struggle, too as I just happens to like food and eating that much. But that said I like knowing that it isn’t just me (if that makes sense). Still thank you for sharing and the much needed update, as well! Hugs and Happy Monday now, too xoxo <3
Janine – haha, I tried it. It’s not bad, but I need a little more, I think. It’s a tough road because most of society isn’t there, yet. That said, I had a completely vegan dinner last night with pitas, veggie crumbles and a “cheesy” sauce with silken tofu. Not bad. Not bad at all. So yes, I can eat good meals like that, but sometimes I just need cheese. But “responsible” cheese as much as I can. lol. And I like food. Good food. 🙂 Hugs to you, thank you for your sweet words, dear friend! Sending more hugs!
Well I’m proud of you for doing it, and I’m quite certain I never will. LOL Happy October, Lil Sis! It’s my birthday month. Somehow, despite all odds, I’ve survived another year. Who would have thunk it?
Have a great week my creative Lil Sis!
Haha, Big Bro, you crack me up. I can’t imagine you not having your eggs, especially with all those chickens and quail around. LOL Happy October to you. And HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! You’ve survived another year and the world is better for it. 🙂 Sending you hugs and hope that you have a great week! xoxo
Dear Cynthia,
I love the flexibility and authenticity you show in your LIFE updates.
While I very much enjoy vegetarian dishes, I also need a balance of all foods – that ‘variety is the spice of life’ idea I suppose.
Wishing you a peaceful week and much love, Maria
Maria – hehe, thank you. These updates are fun. 🙂 As for the vegetarian dishes – YUM! Balance of foods is good and I do like variety. I found that you are much more limited when you try to just eat plants. And plants are good. But until I figure out how to get around the protein part (eggs, cheese), these need to be part of my diet. 🙂 Wishing you a peaceful week, too. Sending you lots of hugs and thank you again for the interview on your blog! xoxo
Oh, I’m so glad I saved reading this for the end of the day… you inspire me SO, my friend! There is just so much goodness in you and everything you put out into the world. It’s amazing. Really. I love following your life project journey… there are so many things I’m learning. For example, those vegan meals? I gotta try me some of those! Also – since it’s almost summer here, I guess I should try and make some vegan ice cream… that almond one you mentioned sounds awesome. Congrats on the vegan challenge, you did better than I did, lol. Though, we’re trying for real this month. Conversations with God is so good… I read it 5 years ago and now that you mention it in your posts, I’m like, “I’ve GOT to read this again now!” Keep going with these life project posts, friend, they are inspiring and motivating the rest of us to LIVE more and DO instead of just dream! 🙂 x
Sweet Melanie! Thank you for your words and they make my heart swell! I so love putting beautiful things out there in the world. You know, more and more, this is what I know I am called to do. Now, if I can just tweak it to make it sustainable, hehe. Some of those yummy vegan meals have become a staple. And I love trying new things within those recipes. The other day I used silken tofu to make that same “alfredo sauce” but then didn’t add any italian herbs but instead added dill and garlic. I put those over veggie crumbles in a pita and it felt like a Greek meal. I hope your vegan challenge goes well! YUMMY! 🙂 It’s crazy to think about how we’re going into fall (though it feels a lot like summer still). I do love the different kinds of vegan ice cream out there: almond-based, soy-based, rice-based. Whatever floats your boat, you can get it! To make it even sounds better! I am starting the Conversations With God book today: I just finished reading a fiction novel that was good fun to read – a ghost story. We all know how much I love those! Haha. Thank you for your sweet thoughts – you make me smile so big! Sending you big hugs and wishes for a restful Sunday! xoxo
I’m glad you at least tried being vegan so that you could determine if it was right for you or not. And feel no shame my friend in knowing it’s not conducive with your lifestyle. Be true to who you are! I know you’ll find a volunteer opportunity that is fulfilling and wish you all the best on the rest of your goals – you continue to make me want to be better and I thank you for it! xo
Sweet Christy – absolutely, hehe. I tried. I really did. But then I couldn’t: the extra prep, the losing weight (that I wasn’t trying to lose), the immense difficulty of participating in regular life. My hat’s off to the vegans of the world who persevere. I’m happy with being a vegetarian and if I can buy consciously and help to forge a better existence for animals, I’m all for it. Thank you for your sweet, thoughtful words. I’m sending you big hugs! xoxo
Such a great read.. And yes, I need eggs and cheese too.. Though to be honest we have cut cheese right down..
I seriously need to put more ‘Steps’ in and although you would think gardening good exercise, which it is, It is still not nearly enough to keep my muscles as supple as they should be.. Even though people say I don’t look my age of plus six decades, my body sure feels like it some days.
So I started doing Zumba. A few years ago I went to classes with a friend.. Now my class is my bedroom with the music turned up full blast. LOL.. ( Keeps me out of mischief lol ) and I am starting to lift weights small dumbbell arm weights, to help build my arm muscles.. Knitting and typing are all well and good, but the muscles soon go.. So trying to at least keep them supple.. 🙂
I just love your commitment Cynthia to everything you undertake.. And another book to be published Whooohoo.. Just brilliant… So who counts a few missed steps here and there when you have such a busy schedule..
Your Pinto bean recipe sounds just yummy.. I will have to pass that one onto my daughter..
Meditation I am pleased you are still focused, and learning through your experiences..
And sending thoughts out to you family member who is in need of your visit..
Your building bridges class sounds a great 9 weeks of learning..
You will enjoy the second book of CwG It really does begin to open our eyes..
Awesome Post Cynthia.. Wonderful achievements and it’s all good.. And can only get better.
Sending LOVE and Blessings dear friend..
Sue xxx
Thank you again, sweet Sue. Have I told you lately how much you make me smile? Eggs and cheese. Mmmm! (Okay, I’ll admit it…I need my wine, too, but that is a whole separate thing, hehe.) Gardening is such wonderful exercise and so “zen.” And I can see you getting a kick out of Zumba. I love “dancing” as exercise. One of my favorite ways to get moving. Hehe. Music turned up full blast – I LOVE IT!
As for my commitment: yes, I love tackling challenges. I admit that now that I’m six months in, I feel the weight of the project on my shoulders but I will persevere!
Ohmigosh – I LOVE Pintos! I want to make them this weekend to munch on for the week. They go so good with so many things. And yes, I’m learning, evolving, and always trying to improve my practice. I think I’m ready to try different kinds of meditation and see what they do…though I do have the Buddhist one on meditating about the after life coming up in November.
Building Bridges: that class is cathartic! I’m learning so many things about myself and others and how to be an ally to those who are discriminated against. It’s powerful and it’s a reckoning.
I am enjoying the second CWG book. I read a little and have to put it down to fully digest the powerful words he relates. Such good writing! Thank you for your support, encouragement, wise words and for being such an amazing person in my life. Sue, you are one incredible human and I’m lucky to know you. Sending you big hugs, many blessings and wishes for a relaxing weekend! xoxo
Big Hugs back my friend.. I am enjoying the warmer weather here that has jumped in via the Jet stream.. Before Hurricane Ophelia arrives around Monday.. which we hope will lose some of its power over the colder oceans, before it hits with high winds. I think we should be ok though in the Midlands of the country..
Love and Blessings.. xx Sue
Sue – I hope this response finds you warm, safe and out of harm’s way. Having gone through that recently, just hunker down and know that I’m thinking of you. <3 Being in the Midlands will hopefully help. Sending you hugs and light, sweet friend!