Spirituality as Creative Expression

Is a person spiritual because they are creative?
Or is a person creative because they are spiritual?
But then again, I don’t think these two questions are mutually exclusive.
Exploring spirituality and the idea of creativity
After I moved into my house a little over two years ago, I had decorated it for a house-warming.
Until I was finished, I had no idea, and I mean no idea that everything hanging was something I created. It wasn’t until everything was hung and I looked around that I realized I’d created virtually everything that hung on the walls.
Some are paintings that I did over ten years ago. Some are drawings. Some are images I created digitally. Some were inspired from projects. Others were inspired by watching other artists.
I don’t have any recent paintings because I have sold most of them, given them away, or have been drawing like crazy for things like, you know, coloring books.
But regardless, I have an insatiable need to create. I just need to.
When I’m not drawing or painting, I’m writing. When I’m not writing, I’m knitting. Or trying to cultivate my garden. Or trying out a new recipe for cooking.
The more inner-work I do on myself, the more I realize that whatever I do, I must honor this need.
And I find that as I honor this need, the innermost part of myself bubbles to the surface, connecting the spiritual realm to the physical realm.
Take a look at some of the things I’ve created that decorate my house:
This is a self-portrait. I love bright, vivid colors. I painted this in 2007. I was influenced by the work of Frida Kahlo.
I painted this in 2010. I am fascinated by owls.
I’m fascinated by geometric shapes. I painted this in 2006 and wanted to explore what I could do with circles
I created this little series for a digital imaging class in 2005. The top image is my face, overlaid by a lake. The middle image is my hands, overlaid by towering rocks. The bottom image is my feet, overlaid by a waterfall.
I drew this with conte crayon in 2013 for a project on my old artist blog. It now hangs over the fireplace in my living room. It’s called “The Overlook on Highway 209.”
I painted these two in 2013 for a project I was attempting on my old blog. I photographed these leaves, drew them out, and then painted the image.
I created this image in 2005 for a digital imaging class. It is a “washer” taking all the pollution out of the environment.
I painted this image in 2007 or 2008. I was inspired by the Inca Native American Indians.
I painted this in 2009. I love the symbolism of ravens and was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s poem.
I also painted this in 2009. At the time, I was heavily influenced by Native American Indian patterns and designs.
I love shimmer and thought creating feathers with gold lines would be…neat. Painted in 2009.
I love butterflies and wanted to capture their color and beauty in this painting. I completed this in 2009.
The idea for this came after watching someone paint a nature scene. Painted in 2006.
Creativity isn’t just about art
Admit it: when you think of a creative person, you don’t think about an architect or civil engineer do you?
But we are all equipped with the potential for creativity.
A creative civil engineer…
It doesn’t have to be just be about fine art, the performing arts, the art of crafting or even the art of cooking.
My late father-in-law was a civil engineer. In the town where I now live, townsfolk knew that he had creative solutions to everyday problems.
They once asked him how they were going to get a statue to the top of a mountain that overlooked the town. There was no road to the top, and it was too heavy for even a team of people to carry.
They asked my father-in-law what to do. Almost instantly, he matter-of-factly said, “just build a pulley.”
Town planners marveled at his ingenuity. They built the pulley and hoisted the statue to the cables and “pulled it” to the top of the mountain. This was about 50 years ago and the statue is still there today.
The architect who led an internet revolution…
A couple years ago, I discovered podcasts. I subscribe to quite a few, and I love to download and listen to them when I’m in the car.
The Smart Passive Income podcast is one of my favorites. Pat Flynn is a down-to-earth guy who interviews people who figure out how to make a living online.
He created the website after getting laid off as an architect. Not only did he get to create beautiful works of art in the form of building design, then he got creative and figured out how to make a living with passive income.
Creating Your Universe
Here are some powerful quotes about creating the universe in which you exist:
Never forget that you are not in the world; the world is in you. When anything happens to you, take the experience inward. Creation is set up to bring you constant hints and clues about your role as co-creator. Your soul is metabolizing experience as surely as your body is metabolizing food — Deepak Chopra
Once we realize the extraordinary power we have to compose our lives, we’ll move from passive, conditioned thinking to being co-creators of our fate. — Jason Silva
Understand that we are all co-creators of our respective destinies. — Mahershala Ali
I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny. (Prologue, xv) — Bruce H. Lipton
[I am a co – creator], an active agent in this universe who makes things happen. If I want the world to change, I have to change it.” — Danah Zohar
Creativity connects me to my truest self and vulnerability. There is nothing more personally liberating, than reaching for my face and peeling off the social mask that hides my; shadow self, pain and weakness. When i produce from this place of truth, the results transform both creator and beholder. — Jaeda DeWalt
Right brain vs. left brain
We can all identify those “left-brained” people and those “right-brained” people.
The left-brained folks seem to be brilliant at math, gifted in science, use analytics, data and logic, and seem just fine with conforming to society’s rules.
Then there are the right-brained people who often seem dreamy, artistic, creative, and follow their hearts and intuition.
In the book, Spirits of the Earth by Bobby Lake-Thom, he devotes an entire graphical page to the “mind-brain complex” (page 45).
Just as I mentioned above, those who operate out of left-hemispheric thinking are linear, masculine, and operate more concretely.
Those who operate out of the right hemisphere are more in touch with the feminine, their intuition, and tend to be more spiritual, among other things. Lake-Thom also has one key word there: creative.
Humans have two sides to their brains, and so are capable of operating out of both hemispheres, though my hunch is that individuals tend to favor one side or the other.
You can imagine, with the title of this website, which side I might favor. But that’s a whole other tangent on which I could go.
But what do all these topics – that creativity isn’t just about art, and that we’re co-creators, and right-brain vs. left-brain – have in common?
The path to spirituality via creation
We are spiritual beings. We don’t have to subscribe to an organized religion or believe in anything to understand that we’re part of something greater – much, MUCH greater – than we are.
We’re connected to the universe. And when we sync to its higher energy, we can create our own reality, as well as create things – events, art, people, beauty, love, good vibes, and much more – to generate and forge an existence.
Those who tap into this energy often can cultivate intuition and their spirituality.
The thing is, when we create we pull from an unseen energy. When you ask someone where they got an idea, they often can’t tell you the source (unless it was inspired from someone or something else – but even still, the original idea came from someplace unseen). It comes from within. It comes from the soul.
That place within is silent. It is non-judgement. It is love. It is intuition. It is the place where all the answers lie.
When someone is being creative, they are in touch with a higher energy – that which is unseen. Those who cultivate their creativity often spend time in the silent recesses of the core, drawing upon the energy that is the genesis of ideas.
This is why mindfulness and meditation can also help with creativity. And vice-versa.
In looking at all the creating I do, I can say that I definitely feel Spirit as I work. I have no idea what an image will look like as I create it. I just know that I trust in my ability to put together an image that is balanced and beautiful (at least in my own eyes).
So go forth, friends, tap into that silent part of yourself and co-create your universe. Generate those ideas. Think outside of the proverbial box to create within your own existence.
Aw, you are seriously so creative and loved seeing all your gorgeous artwork that you shared here today. That said, I also know from all the years of us being friends how spiritual you are, too. So while the two may not always go hand-in-hand per say, I think in your case it most definitely does. That said so many hugs once again and wishing you a wonderful Monday, as well as the week ahead now, too!! xoxo <3
Janine – hehe, you’re creative, too! Just look at all the amazing things you’ve done with your two websites! WOWZA! You are one talented gal. And yes, we’ve been friends for YEARS! I love it! Hehe, thank you for your wonderful insights and lovely words of encouragement, my friend! Sending you so many hugs and I hope it’s been a fantastic week! xoxo
I love that your home is decorated with your artwork, Lil Sis! I wish I could do that…I guess I could hang some of my stories on the walls. LOL
Here’s a hug for the week. Enjoy the week as only a spiritually-creative person can enjoy it….all in!
Ohmigosh! Big Bro! Yes! You COULD turn your stories into artwork! I’ve heard of people putting their manuscripts on t-shirts and on the walls of their homes. So there. And you are SUPER creative! I honestly think you are extremely creative – ESPECIALLY with words. Sending you big hugs and I hope that your birthday is going FANTASTICALLY well! Sending you hugs!
What an amazing outpouring of art and creativity. Kudos Cynthia!
Brad – thank you! I hope you’ve had a great week. 🙂
My friend, how the heck you don’t have an art studio and people lining up at the door to buy your BEAUTIFUL paintings and drawings, I don’t know. SERIOUSLY. I actually forgot how amazing you were. I mean, I know you’re really good… but seeing these? Holy SMOKES. My friend. Really… I can think of so many places that would love to have your artwork. Please, please, please paint more. Feed us some of your creative magic. Hehe. I know… time. But you’re inspiring me to get back into it. Even if it’s just one painting every 6 months or so. Loved this post!
Melanie – my friend, YOU inspire ME! Your support and encouragement has meant the world to me. <3 <3 See...this IS my problem: I LOVE BEING CREATIVE and MINDFUL and I LOVE TO WRITE and OMIGOSH I just want to make pretty things and spread them to the world! Hehe. It's a matter of marketing myself and being present to the need to be creative and the need to make pretty things. I know you understand this dilemma completely. I am working on a mandala to give away. Thank you so much for your feedback and what you said: it makes my heart swell so. I have long since wanted to be a creative "full time" and it will happen soon! 😀 Sending you big hugs and lovely thoughts! xoxo
Wonderful, just Wonderful, beautiful artwork you have created Cynthia.. I loved them all..
I especially love the Native American Indian art too.. And Owls.. What is there not to love about owls..
I enlarged your ‘washing machine picture’ and how brilliant is that.. Oh to wash away pollution.. What a great thought.. I am so impressed with your talents..
And your late father in law, how brilliant a mind.. And what a legacy…
We are all so very creative in so many ways.. And yes even cooking, arranging a vase of flowers all add up to creativity..
And I smiled big time.. As I look around my home.. And within each room hangs my art.. And I have two paintings which are my cousins…
You know many people often say Oh how wonderful you can paint.. And I tell them so can you.. We are all of us gifted. We just need to try.. And it matters not that it is a Constable or Rembrandt. What matters that if satisfies a need within and that we follow our instincts and do that which we feel.. And when it comes from our hearts that is all that matters..
Love the Deepak Chopra quote, he is another of my favourite Authors .. 🙂 LOL
I think you know which side my brain is most active LOL 🙂 🤣😁
And yes I so agree with you Cynthia we do indeed connect with the Universe..
“The thing is, when we create we pull from an unseen energy. When you ask someone where they got an idea, they often can’t tell you the source (unless it was inspired from someone or something else – but even still, the original idea came from someplace unseen). It comes from within. It comes from the soul.”….. SO True…
We often tap into those energies of creation.. And many such inventions are realised at the same time as their inventors pull from the ethers their ideas of inspiration..
If we go to sleep at night and ask for guidance over something. If we are open and listen and see the Signs delivered, very often upon waking solutions are presented ..
I totally Loved this post, and Oh so happy to see where your path is leading you my friend..
I hope you get the replies from all your lovely visits to my posts..
And thank you for your last lovely long reply, from my last comment I left on your blog, I have not as yet responded to that one..
Much love dear dear friend.. And sending mega hugs your way xxx
Sue <3
Sweet Sue! I hadn’t forgotten about this comment – I just had to wait until I had a bit of time so I could write back properly. I so love each and every one that comes in!
As for my artwork, I have always been influenced by geometry and shapes that we see in our indigenous cultures and in far eastern cultures…it feels like it’s just written into my DNA. 🙂
And creativity just lends itself to an inner world, from which we find inspiration to create unique and marvelous things. It’s not such a big jump to say that we are all creators and this is spirituality.
You’re right that so many people think that it is “others” who are creative. I love your response to that: so can you create! We all have it within us. It doesn’t have to be with artwork itself. It is as you said, a way we can get in touch with instinct. It can be with a vase of flowers, in interior decorating (which, I have *so* much admiration for those people because I do not have that talent, lol), in cooking, in gardening, in crafts, in candlemaking, in putting together a cute outfit, even as “mundane” as folding clothes a certain way…or even in creating a Mad Hatter hat for halloween. Hehe.
I so love tapping into these energies. I feel close with source when I get quiet and just spend time creating.
After I work on the blog post for Monday, there has been a story that’s been itching to get out…I am going to do some mindmapping and flesh it out. Another novel might be emerging. Hehe.
I feel a shift coming on: from doing more informative posts to ones that are more spiritually creative…stories…poems…more artwork. It’s happening and this is where my heart says I must go…
You have a beautiful blog space with great energy. From your writings you appropriately provide a source of intuitive spirituality.
Thank you! I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Thank you for your kinds words and I’m so glad you stopped by. 🙂 Peaceful journeys to you! 🙂 Sending hugs.
You are like a most beautiful onion, dear Cynthia. The more you share, the more I see your inner beauty, creativity and inspiration.
Your work is exquisite and I’m sure your home has an aura of peace and acceptance.
Like you, I see a clear and wondrous connection between our spirituality and creativity. Love and hugs, Maria
Maria – thank you. I love that analogy. Hehe. I love your words and insights, and I feel so much gratitude for you. <3 Thank you for the complements on my artwork and I do love the idea of having the aura of peace and acceptance - this is what I strive to do. 🙂
Spirituality and creativity - they go hand in hand, don't they? Hehe. Sending you hugs and light, dear friend! xoxo
So loved that I was here when you reply popped up, and yes, you must follow the flow of your creativity.. Today the rain set in, and the light is terrible, its been dark most of the day, So I am leaving my painting until tomorrow.. So this morning I have just been in the reader, commenting on posts that pop up and not worrying about those I may miss.. Something I took time in getting used to not feeling guilty about LOL..
I love your creative spirit and you have a special gift..
I am after I have finished commenting here going to turn off the modem.. My posts are scheduled for Monday, and yes, like you, I spend a bit of time in my posts edit and combining pictures and themes.. etc.. 🙂 So I so appreciate how long it takes..
Sending LOVE and enjoy your bonfire making with sage.. Here there will be fireworks and merry making around the bonfires..
Love and Hugs xx Sue xx <3
Hehe, Sue, I hope you had a great weekend! Ah, the rain helps us to take a moment and slow down, doesn’t it? 😀 I’m also *very* glad that you do what you do – respond to comments – and not feel guilty. Hehe.
I love your creative spirit, too. I mean it when I say that when I ever think I need inspiration and/or direction, I think of your blog and the breadth of amazing things that you do: your artwork, your poetry, your stories, your information – all of it inspires me and you have a gift in inspiring others to keep creating – like me! 🙂
Sending you so much LOVE and yes, the fire was beautiful. I hope your bonfire was wonderful, too. BIG HUGS! xoxo