Completing My Meditation Certification
I’m back from obtaining my meditation certification and it’s been quite the journey. I attended my training at the McLean Meditation Institute in Sedona, AZ where I learned to teach the SEED (Simple, Easy, Every Day) Meditation Method.
It’s a secular form of meditation – basically geared toward teaching beginners the ins and outs of different styles and types of meditation to help them find what’s best for them.
I had wanted to sit in meditation pose with a rock backdrop while in Sedona. The day before we left, I found it…at the Airport Mesa vortex. A vortex is said to be a place of high spiritual energy.
The Intense Training
The intensive was “intense.” We had to be at the Institute at 7:30 am and would finish at 6:00 pm or later, plus reading and homework. I led a guided meditation, gave a presentation on three benefits of meditation, and led a small group meditation during the course of the week. I practiced a lot of yoga (not the Western version you think of – it was the kind of yoga that focuses on breathing in conjunction with meditation). Scientific research abounds related to what meditation does to the brain, and so much more.
Now I’m a fledged youngling (ha!) teacher. Not young in years, but young at heart. I hope my enthusiasm for the practice of meditation flows through my words and actions so I can be the best teacher that I can be.
Three Things to Consider
There are three big things I took away from this week (besides meeting some incredible people and learning so much about the practice itself).
- I’m “in my head” a lot
- My mandalas need to become a central part of my own practice
- I probably need a meditation teaching website.
Let me explain.
Getting “Out of My Head” and Into My Heart
All my life, I’ve been a seeker of knowledge. Through two bachelor’s degrees, a master’s degree, and various certifications and trainings, I love, LOVE to learn. It’s anchored me in the more trying times of my life, especially when I was younger. Now, I seek inward knowledge. However, I haven’t yet fully opened up my heart.
I’m all for compassion and building harmony. I realize, however, that I don’t always exude the warm, fuzzy love that comes from a truly heart-centered person. On some level I think I knew that, but to hear it several times in feedback I received, I now know this on a very aware, very conscious level.
I have even started different practices to help me to open up my heart chakra.
It is said that the vortex energy can actually aid in helping to open the heart and invite more loving, compassionate energy into your life. This is the Bell Rock vortex in Sedona.
Mandalas and Meditation
As I embarked on my Intensive journey, I had no idea how much my mandalas would become a topic of conversation. I gave one to the founder of the Institute. At the end of the training, an artist came to speak. Afterward, I had a conversation with her. She said that I really need to cultivate the art of my mandalas and even incorporate them into my meditation work. People in my course also asked about them and wondered if I sold them.
I had no idea that would happen. I was sure I would be able to demonstrate my love of writing or my penchant for poetry. Or that I could “do websites.” None of that was relevant. The mandalas stood out on their own. Now I know that I need to do something with them.
It’s funny how others can point out things about yourself that you don’t even see, despite a meditative practice.
Website Considerations
The last thing is that my website isn’t secular. It’s spiritual. I’m on a deeply spiritual journey. I would like to keep going with my website here. However, a few folks pointed out that it might be better to have a “secular-minded” website if I am to teach a secular form of meditation. I want to be able to reach anyone who wants to learn, not necessarily just spiritual types of folks.
Fellow meditation teachers work with veterans, seniors, schools, parents, children and more. I don’t want to alienate people who might be turned off by my website title.
On the flip side, I also want to attract a tribe of folks who are open enough to understand that I am on an inner journey. I live it, breathe it, and try to espouse it.
If I create a new site, it would be linked to this one. If I don’t and just stick with this one, I’ll need to do some revamping so that it’s clear about what I do. For sure, some have pointed out that I do a little bit of a lot of things here. Yes, I know this is true. I do a little bit of a lot of things in my general life, too. This site is a reflection of that.
Transformation and Gratitude
All in all, it was a transformative experience. I learned a lot about myself in a place that’s known for its spiritual energy and power. I have some things to think about, but they are good things. Powerful things.
Thank you so much – all of you – for your support, loving comments and shares over the last three entries. It’ll take a bit, but I’ll make it around to where you are and return those comments and shares. I appreciate you, from the bottom of my heart!
Welcome home and congratulations, dear Cynthia.
You have gained such insightful feedback / consideration for your journey. I appreciate you sharing
this with us.
The website is a big consideration for sure… I think you’ll know the right course in time as you listen to
your open heart. I agree that your mandalas are a powerful meditative tool.
Ease back and sending big hugs, Maria
Sweet Mar!! Thank you, thank you!! I had so many good insights and suggestions come my way. It was a blessing. You know what else was a blessing? Getting your card in the mail. I got it on Saturday and it made my cry happy tears! Thank you for your thoughtfulness and big heart. It served as confirmation of my journey – that I am on the path I need to be on. So thank you – truly – from the bottom of my heart.
The website…ah yes. I’ve been struggling with that since I first heard the suggestion. I’m not sure what to do just yet, but I know I can sit in silence and patiently wait for the answer. All in due time. 🙂
As for the mandalas, I admit it was a TRIP how much people took to them. I want to create meditations around them…and we’ll just go from there. Hehe. Thank you for your kind thoughts, words and friendship. You are a gem!! xoxo
So, so happy to have you back. And sounds like you learned so much from your training that this journey led you on. Can’t wait to see what you may have in store for this site or if you decide to branch out to a new site. Will definitely keep my eyes open though and very excited for you on this. Hugs and Happy Monday now, my friend xoxo <3
Janine – your sweet comments ALWAYS make me smile! I’m so fortunate to have an awesome person like you in my life. Seriously!! I really did learn so much from my training. I am still not sure what direction I need/want to go in, but I have some time to think on it. 🙂 All in due time, right? hehe. Thank you so much for your kindness, support and love! You are awesome!!
Congratulations, LIl Sis! I don’t understand half of what you are talking about, but I understand peace, love, and understanding, so there’s that.
All I know for sure is this world needs more people like you, and I’m darned glad to know you and have you in my life.
Big hugs coming your way!
Big Bro – I’ll take it! Peace, love, understanding. OH YES!!
The world needs more creatives. More people like you and others who come to this site. This is an incredible community I have here and I’m so grateful. So, so grateful.
Big hugs returning to you! I hope you have an incredible week! Say hi to Bev and pat the chickens for me. 🙂
Thanks Cynthia. Now if only I could follow my own advice. 🙂
Right? Hehe.
Congratulations Cynthia! I can definitely see you offering the mandalas as part of your website and/ or training. They’re beautiful and meditative. I too am learning to be more in touch with my heart. I trust you will find the best path forward for you about websites and how to market. I bet your passion and honesty will lead you along with your heart. I suggest doing what you feel strongly about, not what you “should”.
Brad – now see there!? THAT is incredible advice!! So far, I’ve been going just on intuition with THIS particular site. I’m reluctant to just “let it go.” Not sure I want to do that.
But I’m also not sure what to do as far as offering meditation here and for all…ah well. I’ll get it figured out. 🙂 But thanks for that. Far too often, I think we all cave to the “shoulds” and not to the “feels.” You are wise, Grasshopper. And I am listening. 🙂
So so happy Cynthia that you enjoyed every moment of your time gaining your certification .. Sometimes we have to have areas pointed out to us.. Your mandalas are something special, and so spontaneous that share energy..
Sounds like you have been giving deeper thought to how a new website can work.. Wonderful thoughts on it incorporating young and old.. Your photos are stunning.. just wonderful views..
Our heart Chakra is the most important in my book.. But I know you will do all that needs doing to open it more.. But to me dear friend.. Your heart is already wide.. May it always beat to the rhythm of your own drum..
Love and Blessings dear friend.. 😀