The Root Chakra

The root chakra is an energy center in the body located at the perineum, extending up the first three vertebrae of the spine. Its energy color is red and because it is the “root,” this chakra serves as the foundation upon which all others sit, and from which you live your life.

This is a chakra of survival, instinct and safety. It helps ensure that you meet your basic needs, both physically and emotionally. Having enough food, water, shelter, and clothing (and the money necessary to have these) satisfies your physical needs. Feeling loved and cared for, as well as connected to others, allows you to satisfy your emotional needs.

What does the root chakra do?

The root chakra governs the health of the adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, the musculoskeletal structure of the body, as well as the lower body: legs, feet, and lower spine.

A balanced root chakra

A balanced root chakra means a person feels safe and secure, their basic needs are met, they feel supported, grounded (rooted) toward the earth, and when faced with a challenge, they exhibit courage and the “knowing” that everything will work out.

An imbalanced root chakra

An imbalanced chakra means you might tend toward the following:

  • negativity
  • depression
  • an eating disorder
  • greedy behavior
  • difficulty with relationships
  • existing in “survival mode” for prolonged periods of time
  • having feelings of insecurity
  • anxiousness

Feeling like you don’t belong can also upset the balance of this chakra.

You might experience other physical health issues related to a blocked root chakra, including autoimmune disease, brittle bones, kidney disease, spinal issues, restless legs or other ailments associated with the lower body.

This video is a musical meditation in which “lam” is the mantra, repeated over and over again to help in opening an imbalanced root chakra.

Bringing the root chakra into balance

It’s important to bring this chakra into balance before focusing on any other chakras in the body. The root chakra serves as the foundation for personal transformation and opening all other chakras. Bringing this chakra into balance involves several different activities, meditations, and habits you can change or form:

  • Meditation in general can “ground” you, as well as doing a standing meditation in which you imagine your feet “rooting” to the ground.
  • Eating earthy foods such as beets, carrots, or turnips; eating other red foods such as apples
  • Spending time in nature, and walking barefoot in the grass or in the forest. Hiking, walking, or jogging help keep your feet in contact with the earth.
  • Carrying a gemstone in the color of this chakra, and keeping it near your root chakra area during meditation.
  • Wearing the color red, and visualizing a red energy field surrounding you.
  • Chanting “lam,” as a seed mantra to help activate this chakra.

Root Chakra Guided Meditation

I created a root chakra guided meditation for you. I’ve included the script here, along with the video. In fact, I’m creating a whole guided meditation series on all the chakras over the next few weeks.


As you begin this practice, make sure you won’t be disturbed.

You may sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or on a cushion – wherever you may be comfortable. Just be sure the position you find is one that you can maintain long enough for this meditation. Be kind to yourself. If you find that you need to shift, do so with mindfulness and calm.

When you meditate, it’s okay to have thoughts – they will come! Welcome them. Meditation shouldn’t be a strain. Don’t try too hard. Just bring your gentle, nonjudgmental attention back to this meditation when you find your thoughts have taken you somewhere else.

Let go of expectations. You have come to your chair or cushion. Let yourself settle into this practice to benefit from this time of calm and silence. Once you begin this meditation, stick with it until the end.

Beginning the meditation

Close your eyes, or cap them halfway, with a soft unfocused gaze.

Bring your awareness to the breath. Notice the rise and fall of the chest, the natural rhythm of breathing. Sit with the breath for a few moments.

If you find your thoughts wandering, gently come back to this root chakra meditation. Thoughts are okay. Let them come. Welcome them. Gently let them go by coming back to this meditation. Be kind to yourself.

Now, take two or three deep yawns. You can “fake yawn” until one comes on.

Bring your attention back to the breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing.

Breathe in, deeply, first into your belly and then into your chest. Inhale as much as you can.

Slowly begin to release the air, starting with your chest, then your belly. Do this for two more breaths.

Moving deeper into the root chakra meditation

Bring your attention to the root of your being, the base of the spine. A tiny ball of red energy spins there.

See this energy center as a red pin of light.

On your next breath, breathe into this red pin, and allow it to grow into the size of a marble.

With another breath, expand this light so that it envelops your lower body.

The vermillion red light grows to surround your body. Its energy swirls in a circular motion around your body.

This ruby light to surround you for a few more moments.

Now send this red light down to your feet. This light allows you to become rooted. Your feet grow roots into the earth below you, and energy from the earth moves into your body.

Send the red light up your legs, allowing the muscles to relax and the blood to flow freely.

Move up toward your thighs, sending red energy into your hip bones, your thigh bones, your kneecaps, your lower leg bones, and to all the bones in your feet.

This light expands to your lower spine, sending healing red energy through all of your lower body. As you breathe, your blood pumps healing energy to all parts of your body. Your entire body lights up with rich healing energy as the earth sends you more energy.

Allow the red, healing light to move through you, and around you, bathing your body in crimson light.

Chanting “Lam”

Keep your breathing normal. In a moment, I will guide you through a few slower breaths before beginning to chant the word “lam.” You can chant silently, whisper, or say the word aloud. Lam resonates with the root chakra, awakening and strengthening it.

As you breathe, bring the air into your belly.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Now, inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.


(breathe in)


(Continue for two minutes)

Let your breathing return to normal.


The red light still surrounds you. All the areas in the root chakra absorb this light and awaken.

You are connected to the earth.

You are grounded and centered.

You belong.

You trust in and love life.

You have everything you need to live life fully.

You trust that your needs are met.

You feel secure financially.

You feel supported by the universe and by those around you.

You experience abundance.

Spend a couple minutes in silence as you continue to keep this healing light energized. As you breathe, ribbons of this beautiful light touch your lower spine, legs, and feet.

Ending the meditation

Keep your eyes closed or capped as you near the end of this meditation.

It’s important to come out of meditation slowly.

Bring your awareness back to the breath. Allow yourself to feel the in and out rhythm of the rise and fall of the breath.

On your next inhale, allow the fingers and toes to wiggle if you wish. Gently shift your arms or legs as needed.

When you’re ready, open your eyes with a soft downward gaze. Keep your focus inward.

Open your eyes fully as you’re ready. You may return to your day.

First Chakra Root Muladhara
Balancing Your Root Chakra
What is the Root Chakra?
Ultimate Guide to Root Chakra Healing for Beginners