The Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is also called the ajna chakra, meaning “perceiving” or “command.” It plays a role in helping you develop your inner and outer vision, your intuition – that inner voice that quietly advises you – and other “psychic” abilities. It is the sixth chakra in the body.

It’s responsible for your “wisdom quotient” – that deep well of inner knowing that you can learn to tap into, allowing you to better navigate this life. People you know who seem very wise, or seem to have a lot of insight, have a balanced third-eye chakra.


This energy center is at the same level of the eyebrows, right in the center of the forehead if the eyebrows came together.

A Balanced Ajna

If you have a balanced third eye chakra, you are adept at listening to your inner voice. You can glean insights into the motivations of other people and what they’re about. You understand your “raison d’etre” or your “why” for being on this planet. You understand the idea of how all things are connected and you have a knack for being present-minded, as opposed to looking toward the past or future too much. You have a reflective nature and you have an ability to discern the truth – from people, situations, events and more. Your interactions with others leaves them feeling loved and not judged.

[bctt tweet=”You possess an inner truth and an inner wisdom. Getting silent will help you connect to it. ” username=”n2itvnspiritual”]

An unbalanced sixth chakra

An unbalanced third eye chakra can present itself as either being overactive (with an exaggeration of symptoms) or underactive (with symptoms that present as a “dullness”). Remember, where one chakra is unbalanced, others are likely to be, to compensate for this imbalance. 

Physical symptoms:

You might experience headaches, problems with the eyes, sinus problems, mental exhaustion or confusion, a reliance on too much on rational thought, and more.

Emotional symptoms:

You might find it difficult to discern your purpose in life, experience indecision, feel lost, closed-minded, insensitive or being too judgmental. Still, you might feel disconnected in a general sense. 

third eye chakra

Bringing this energy center into balance


The color of this energy center is indigo blue. Incorporate it into your life by wearing it and envisioning it.


Meditation, in general, is deeply effective in helping to balance the third eye chakra, as well as all the chakras. I created a guided meditation (see video below) to help you bring yours into balance.


Use crystals in meditation, or carry them with you. These include lapis lazuli, purple fluorite, amethyst, blue kyanite, black obsidian, and labradorite.

Foods + Essential Oils

Try these foods: blueberries, purple grapes, purple cabbage and other purple/blue foods.

Some essential oils you can try in a diffuser or on the skin with a carrier oil: lavender, clary sage, and ylang ylang.

Eye movements

Do some eye yoga. I personally have done eye yoga for a year and it’s made a huge difference! I perform 36 repetitions each of moving the eyes side to side, up and down, diagonally from right to left, diagonally from left to right, clockwise in a circle, counter-clockwise in a circle, focusing on an object about 12 inches away and then on an object 1000 yards away, and finally squeezing my eyes tightly shut over and over.

No joke: I went to the eye doctor and my eyesight improved by +.50, and was 20/15 after a few months of doing these. I still have to wear glasses to protect my eyes due to a genetic defect. I started eye yoga to help keep my eyes young. I’d heard that you can avoid having to get bi-focals as you get older and so far I have. I feel other benefits, too.

Wisdom Yoga

Do some different yoga poses, such as child’s pose, dolphin pose, forward bend, and downward dog – anything where you’re moving the head to a different position than upright.


OM – this is the seed mantra chant for the sixth chakra.

Here is one of my favorite guided meditations using “Om.” It uses binaural beats to synchronize your brain to 432Hz: the wavelength said to heal, expand consciousness and connect you to the universe.

Guided Meditation

I created this guided meditation as a way to ease you into balancing your ajna chakra. As with all the meditations in this series, the background is silent, to keep you from getting distracted by background music as you listen to the words.


As you begin this practice, make sure you won’t be disturbed. 

You may sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or on a cushion – wherever you may be comfortable. Just be sure the position you find is one that you can maintain long enough for this meditation. Be kind to yourself. If you find that you need to shift, do so with mindfulness and calm. 

When you meditate, it’s okay to have thoughts – they will come! Welcome them. Meditation shouldn’t be a strain. Don’t try too hard. Just bring your gentle, nonjudgmental attention back to this meditation when you find your thoughts have taken you somewhere else. 

Let go of expectations. You have come to your chair or cushion. Let yourself settle into this practice to benefit from this time of calm and silence. Once you begin this meditation, stick with it until the end. 


Close your eyes, or cap them halfway, with a soft, unfocused gaze. 

Bring your awareness to the breath. Notice the rise and fall of the chest, the natural rhythm of breathing. Sit with the breath for a few moments.

If you find your thoughts wandering, gently come back to this third eye chakra meditation. Thoughts are okay. Let them come. Welcome them. Gently let them go by coming back to this meditation. Be kind to yourself. 

Now, take two or three deep yawns. You can “fake yawn” until one comes on. 

Bring your attention back to the breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing. 

Breathe in, deeply, first into your belly and then into your chest. Inhale as much as you can. 

Slowly begin to release the air, starting with your chest, then your belly. Do this for two more breaths.

Energizing the lower chakras

Bring your attention to the root of your being, the base of the spine. A tiny ball of red energy spins there. 

See this energy center as a red pin of light. Allow this light to grow and surround your body.

Move up a few inches, to just below the navel. Your creative center. An orange light spins there. It is the size of a pin. 

As you inhale, allow this orange light to grow to the size of a marble, and then even bigger to surround your body.

Moving above the belly button, a tiny yellow light spins. It is the light of your self-motivation and destiny. As you inhale, grow this yellow light to surround your chest, followed by the entire body. 

Now, bring your attention to the heart – the area in the center of your chest. A tiny green light spins there. This light is unconditional love.

On your next inhale, grow this light to surround your body.

Move up to your throat. A tiny light of sky blue shines there. Grow this light as you breathe in. Allow it to expand around your body.

The third eye chakra

Move to the space between your eyebrows. This is where your third eye chakra energy center is. See a tiny indigo blue light spinning. 

This is the light of your inner wisdom, intuition, and connectedness with the universe. 

On your next inhale, grow this light to surround your head. Breathe out, allowing this light to expand and occupy the space around your body.

Continue to breathe, in and out, with this indigo light in and all around you, for several breaths.

Your wisdom grows. Your connection to yourself, and to those around you increases. You feel your judgment of others diminishing, replaced by understanding and love. 

Through this indigo light, you feel your sense of intuition becoming stronger. Your ability to seek and find truth grows with the balancing of this energy center.

Breathing and Chanting

As you breathe, bring the air into your belly to get ready to chant.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Now, inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.




(Continue for two minutes)

Let your breathing return to normal. 

The deep blue light still surrounds you. All the areas in and around the forehead are infused with this beautiful light. Each breath you take is wisdom, intuition, love. Repeat each of the following affirmations silently or aloud after it is spoken.


I listen to and follow my intuition. (repeat)

I understand my purpose. (repeat)

I have a deep inner wisdom. (repeat)

I am connected to my inner self. (repeat)

I feel connected to all other beings and to the universe. (repeat)

I see truth. (repeat) 

I am creative and see the beauty in the world around me. (repeat)

I am my truest self. (repeat)

I feel revitalized. (repeat)

I feel love and connection to others. (repeat)

Focus on the breath

Spend a couple minutes in silence as you continue to keep this healing light energized. As you breathe, ribbons of this beautiful light weave in and around your forehead, in the space around you, infusing everything with connection, and truth.

Ending the meditation

Keep your eyes closed or capped as you near the end of this meditation. 

It’s important to come out of meditation slowly.

Bring your awareness back to the breath. Allow yourself to feel the in and out rhythm of the rise and fall of the breath.

On your next inhale, allow the fingers and toes to wiggle if you wish. Gently shift your arms or legs as needed. 

When you’re ready, open your eyes with a soft downward gaze. Keep your focus inward. 

Open your eyes fully as you’re ready. You may return to your day.


My own intuition, training, experience and writing
Exploring Your Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra: Ajna
Becoming Superconscious: The Keys to Activating and Opening the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra
Third Eye Chakra Healing
The Ultimate Guide to Third Eye Healing for Complete Beginners
The Third Eye Chakra