The Solar Plexus Chakra

About this energy center

The solar plexus chakra has to do with motivation to do things, to fulfill intentions and goals. It’s the one that helps you develop your personal power and fulfill your destiny. When I hear about personal power, I immediately think of The Alchemist – it is a book that delves deeply into the idea of personal power.

The location of this chakra is two fingers above the navel and encompasses the physical organs of the digestive system as well as the pancreas and large intestine. Solar plexus chakra is also called “manipura.”

An Unbalanced Solar Plexus

Physical Symptoms

Since this energy center is located right in the center of the abdomen, physical symptoms of unbalance will manifest as problems in the digestive system: indigestion and stomach upset, ulcers, etc. You might have problems with overeating, or not eating enough, unbalanced body temperature (too cold or too hot), lethargy, and weight gain around the belly area.

Emotional Symptoms

Emotional symptoms include an inability to fulfill goals and intentions, lack of boundaries, a need to constantly please others, low self-esteem. You might feel like you lack a sense of direction for your life. Or, you might be someone who has a lot of ideas, but don’t have the momentum or drive to act on them and realize your full potential. If you find yourself being too aggressive or even bully-like, this is a great indication that you should probably check your solar plexus chakra balance.

Underactive vs. Overactive

Of course, as with all other chakras, the solar plexus can be overactive or underactive. Underactive symptoms are those that “diminish” the symptoms listed above (such as being too cold, as opposed to a normal body temperature) and overactive symptoms tend to inflate physical symptoms of unbalance listed above (such as being too warm over a normal body temperature).

A Balanced Third Chakra

“A balanced solar plexus chakra means that you take on challenges and rise to the occasion – even if you don’t necessarily know exactly how to do so. You are empowered.” – Cynthia Sageleaf

You have a clear vision of your path and you have the confidence to pursue it. You feel in control of your life. You have the confidence to act, instead of letting life pass you by. You are less judgmental and more accepting of all the people in your life, yet you are able to phase out negative people from your circles.

Since all chakras are interconnected, being able to speak up is a sign of a balanced solar plexus chakra because with it, you have developed a sense of confidence in the things you do. This aligns with a balanced throat chakra,  (which is the 5th chakra in the body) as well. However, being able to verbalize your needs to help you create the life you want is essential in helping you to balance this chakra.

However, if you are balanced, you have no need to tout your achievements. You go about your day knowing that what you do in the present is what matters.

Bringing this chakra to balance

As in previous posts about bringing this chakra into balance, meditation is one key component. I’ve created a guided meditation for you to help you balance this chakra. The script is toward the bottom of this post if you want to follow along. It’s a good idea to spend awhile working on a chakra – months, even – because you’ve likely spent a long time with a chakra being unbalanced.

Visualize yellow with gems, stones, food, and clothing

Carry yellow stones such as amber, citrine, topaz. Use “yellow” essential oils such as lemon, clove, sandalwood and cedarwood. Wear yellow colors. Get outside and bask in the yellow sunlight. Eat more yellow foods: whole grains, summer squash, pineapple, sunflower seeds – you get the idea.

Do different types of yoga

Activate the diaphragm: do laughter yoga and engage in more laughter, in general.

Speaking of yoga, you can do various poses that will help with balancing: sun salutations, warrior pose (that engages your “core”) and other such poses can help.

Spend time outside of your comfort zone

Take risks! Get out of your comfort zone. Try things you haven’t done before.

Repeat “ram”

Adopt the “ram” mantra. This is the seed mantra sound of the solar plexus chakra to help bring it into balance.

Solar Plexus Chakra Guided Meditation

(This is the script to the video I created. I have the script here in case you’d like to follow along, or if you prefer to read and then do the meditation on your own.)

Beginning the meditation

As you begin this practice, make sure you won’t be disturbed.

You may sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or on a cushion – wherever you may be comfortable. Just be sure the position you find is one that you can maintain long enough for this meditation. Be kind to yourself. If you find that you need to shift, do so with mindfulness and calm.

When you meditate, it’s okay to have thoughts – they will come! Welcome them. Meditation shouldn’t be a strain. Don’t try too hard. Just bring your gentle, nonjudgmental attention back to this meditation when you find your thoughts have taken you somewhere else.

Let go of expectations. You have come to your chair or cushion. Let yourself settle into this practice to benefit from this time of calm and silence. Once you begin this meditation, stick with it until the end.

Center Yourself by Breathing

Close your eyes, or cap them halfway, with a soft, unfocused gaze.

Bring your awareness to the breath. Notice the rise and fall of the chest, the natural rhythm of breathing. Sit with the breath for a few moments.

If you find your thoughts wandering, gently come back to this solar plexus chakra meditation. Thoughts are okay. Let them come. Welcome them. Gently let them go by coming back to this meditation. Be kind to yourself.

Now, take two or three deep yawns. You can “fake yawn” until one comes on.

Bring your attention back to the breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing.

Breathe in, deeply, first into your belly and then into your chest. Inhale as much as you can.

Slowly begin to release the air, starting with your chest, then your belly. Do this for two more breaths.

Visualizing Energy

Bring your attention to the root of your being, the base of the spine. A tiny ball of red energy spins there.

See this energy center as a red pin of light. Allow this light to grow and surround your body.

Move up a few inches, to just below the navel. Your creative center. An orange light spins there. It is the size of a pin.

As you inhale, allow this orange light to grow to the size of a marble, and then even bigger to surround your body.

Moving above the belly button, a tiny yellow light spins.

The Solar Plexus Light

This yellow light grows slowly, first to the size of a marble. Then it grows to the size of your hand, and expands to surround your abdomen, your chest, your upper body, and finally, it surrounds your whole body.

This is the light of your own self-motivation. The light of your destiny. This light symbolizes your desire to act upon your aspirations and fulfill them.

Ribbons of this light infuse your body, starting with the abdomen with warm, golden energy, moving to your throat, head and lower body.

This lemon light now surrounds you, as a shield of confidence. Filaments of this light infuse your whole body with motivational energy.

Feel your confidence rising, and with it, your desire to try new things. Feel your whole being rising to new challenges…and overcoming them.


As you breathe, bring the air into your belly as you get ready to chant.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Now, inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.




(Continue for two minutes)

Let your breathing return to normal.


The yellow light still surrounds you. All the areas in the solar plexus area absorb this light and energize. Repeat each of the following affirmations silently or aloud after it is spoken.

I have great personal power. (repeat)

I am motivated to fulfill my goals and intentions. (repeat)

I follow my destiny. (repeat)

I am successful in my endeavors. (repeat)

I know my direction in life and remain focused on it. (repeat)

I act on my ideas and make them reality. (repeat)

I see the results from my efforts. (repeat)

I follow through with what I say I will do. (repeat)

I take massive, decisive action to craft the life of my dreams. (repeat)

I respect and love my whole being. (repeat)

I stand up for what I believe. (repeat)

I confidently express myself. (repeat)


Spend a couple minutes in silence as you continue to keep this healing light energized. As you breathe, streams of this beautiful light weave in and around your abdomen, infusing you with confident, motivational energy.

Keep your eyes closed or capped as you near the end of this meditation.

It’s important to come out of meditation slowly.

Bring your awareness back to the breath. Allow yourself to feel the in and out rhythm of the rise and fall of the breath.

On your next inhale, allow the fingers and toes to wiggle if you wish. Gently shift your arms or legs as needed.

When you’re ready, open your eyes with a soft downward gaze. Keep your focus inward.

Open your eyes fully as you’re ready. You may return to your day.
