Timelapse Video of a Mandala for Groundedness*

I created this mandala for groundedness because at this time of year, it is said that the veil is thin between this world and the world of the spirits. I wrote about All Hallow’s Eve and Day of the Dead in which I explain that in more detail.

Around this time, I start to feel like change is needed. I started this website in October 2016. Three years later, it’s true again. I have been wanting to journal more, be more creative and I’m noticing my thoughts fluttering in all directions. I have that unsettled feeling.

Creating a mandala and using colors that promote groundedness were in order.

The process of creating this mandala

As is always the case with my mandalas, I didn’t plan this one out. But I know that I’m not feeling entirely grounded. It’s for several reasons. The first is because of this time of year, as I mentioned above, but also as I research the business of meditation and being a “spiritpreneur,” I’m exploring ideas and topics for this site, cultivating my creativity, and focusing more on the business end of things even as I honor my creativity.

In order to address these feelings, some root chakra and sacral chakra tuning might be in order, too.

To that end, I noticed immediately as I created this mandala, that I used a lot more of the color black than I usually do. I also felt the need to use more reds and pinks – both colors that speak to being more grounded and in tune with basic needs. For me – and this is different for everyone – these all speak to my unsettled thoughts and the need to reign them in.

I also listened to some tongue drum music – which gave me ideas for when I’m teaching about creating mandalas and meditation. But that music is incredibly calming. So calming, in fact, that I think I will use my own tongue drum in future classes!

The Mandala for Groundedness:

Here’s a timelapse of the mandala (and I admit: I’ve been teaching myself how to create these in Adobe Premiere and I’m grateful to how it makes life easier…once you get the hang of it).

What can you do with this mandala?

The thing I love about mandalas is that they are versatile when it comes to meditating with them. You can watch this video. You can purchase this mandala and gaze at it for your own meditation. You can create your own with this Mandala for Groundedness as inspiration. I also have an I & S shop over at Zazzle with the mandalas I’ve created:




*Some links in this post may contain affiliate links in which I make a small commission off the sale of a product you click on. If it’s linked here, I have personally used it. These help me continue to bring you free content on this site.