The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra, or energy center, in the body. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, a reference to the thousand-petal flower symbol of this chakra. It is connected to all the other chakras in the body. For this chakra to be balanced, it is best if all the other chakras in the body are also balanced – especially the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras, as they supply energy to the upper chakras. Essentially, you’re working with energy, and for that energy to flow smoothly through the body, it’s essential to work on all the energy centers, reaching from the root chakra all the way to the crown.

This is the energy center of unity consciousness – a connection and respect with all beings. It deals with the energy that is the universe, to the divinity in yourself, and how you see the divineness in others, no matter how “awake” they may are.


This energy center is at the top of the head, or above it, up to 16 inches above, in the middle.

crown chakra


If you have a balanced crown chakra, you are connected with the world around you. You feel in touch with your spirituality, whether you consider yourself to be religious or not. You love and respect yourself, as you love and respect others. You’re in touch with your inner wisdom as well as universal energy. You are a master at being present and spend little time dwelling on the past or future. You are known for having a higher awareness to the world around you, as well as “higher consciousness.” You exude bliss – not the “happy mood” kind, but a contented, gracious, zest for life. 

An unbalanced crown chakra

This unbalance presents as someone who might be spiritually disconnected, apathetic, or exhibit self-destructive behavior. That “zest for life” isn’t there. 

And, of course, an imbalance can cause an energy center to be overactive or underactive. An overactive chakra creates an exaggeration of symptoms such as being overly cynical. An underactive chakra would create a “diminished” set of symptoms that present more passively, such as feeling tired and wanting to sleep all the time.

Physical symptoms:

You might experience a kind of mental fog, headaches, insomnia, or feel tired. People around you might complain that you’re “too in-your-head.” You might also have physical disorders that involve the nervous system or brain, such as palsy (paralysis), memory lapse or even dementia. 

Emotional symptoms:

You might feel lonely, or have a mental illness such as depression, feel a lack of direction in your life, or have a loose moral compass. On the other hand, you could be too spiritual, to the exclusion of everything else, and your thoughts are everywhere except the present.

Bringing this chakra into balance

For any of the chakras, you can try many different strategies to help you find balance. The crown chakra is no different.

The color of this particular energy center is deep purple or white. You can wear it and envision it.

Meditation, in general, is deeply effective in helping to balance the crown chakra, as well as all the chakras. I created a guided meditation (see video below) to help.

Crystals/rocks/gems you can use with meditation (or to carry with you): clear quartz, amethyst, selenite, sugilite, grape agate, Herkimer diamond are some that you can try.

Eating purple or deep blue foods can help, such as blueberries, purple grapes, and passionfruit. You can also try using lavender, ylang-ylang, or basil essential oil in a diffuser or with a carrier oil on the skin.

Try doing energy healing, such as reiki or qi gong. I personally went to see a reiki practitioner last summer to help me balance my energy centers and had a wonderful experience. 

You can try different yoga poses that change the position of the head: the corpse pose (shavasana) is a great one to try with my favorite yoga teacher, Adriene. 

 If you’re feeling brave, you can also try doing a yoga headstand.

You can also seek out the spiritual: read inspirational books, talk with spiritual leaders and other spiritual people, listen to uplifting/spiritual music – essentially, surround yourself with love, and watch what you consume – mentally and physically.


OM (seed mantra chant – same as with the third eye chakra) – use this chant in meditation or you can even think of it throughout your day.

Crown Chakra Guided Meditation

I created this guided meditation to help you bring this chakra into balance. Enjoy!


As you begin this practice, make sure you won’t be disturbed. 

You may sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or on a cushion – wherever you may be comfortable. Just be sure the position you find is one that you can maintain long enough for this meditation. Be kind to yourself. If you find that you need to shift, do so with mindfulness and calm. 

When you meditate, it’s okay to have thoughts – they will come! Welcome them. Meditation shouldn’t be a strain. Don’t try too hard. Just bring your gentle, nonjudgmental attention back to this meditation when you find your thoughts have taken you somewhere else. 

Let go of expectations. You have come to your chair or cushion. Let yourself settle into this practice to benefit from this time of calm and silence. Once you begin this meditation, stick with it until the end. 

Beginning the meditation

Close your eyes, or cap them halfway, with a soft, unfocused gaze. 

Bring your awareness to the breath. Notice the rise and fall of the chest, the natural rhythm of breathing. Sit with the breath for a few moments.

If you find your thoughts wandering, gently come back to this crown chakra meditation. Thoughts are okay. Let them come. Welcome them. Gently let them go by coming back to this meditation. Be kind to yourself. 

Now, take two or three deep yawns. You can “fake yawn” until one comes on. 

Bring your attention back to the breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing. 

Breathe in, deeply, first into your belly and then into your chest. Inhale as much as you can. 

Slowly begin to release the air, starting with your chest, then your belly. Do this for two more breaths.

Envisioning your energy centers

Bring your attention to the root of your being, the base of the spine. A tiny ball of red energy spins there. 

See this energy center as a red pin of light and allow it to spin and glow.

Move up a few inches, to just below the navel. Your creative center. An orange light spins there. Watch it glow and nourish your creative center.

Moving above the belly button, a tiny yellow light glows and spins. Allow this light to infuse your abdomen with its healing energy. 

In the center of your chest, a tiny green light glows and spins. This light nourishes your chest area, infusing it with love.

A small turquoise light glows and spins at your throat. This light heals your voice, throat and mouth. 

Move to the space between your eyebrows. An indigo light illuminates your forehead, connecting you to your inner wisdom. 

Continue to breathe, in and out, and watch as all the lights of the first six chakras grow, joining colors to form a bright white light surrounding your body, healing and infusing you with balance, creative energy, motivation, love, the courage to speak your truth, and see your truth. 

The crown

This energy of the this light moves to the top of your head, a few inches above your head. It changes to deep purple in color and as it lights up, it begins to spin, activating your divinity, your connection to the universe, to all things. 

This connection to the divine begins to grow. You feel love, and oneness within yourself and with all the world. 

Allow this beautiful purple light to grow to surround your head, your chest, your abdomen, legs, and whole body, and then into the space around you, infusing it with vibrant, purple energy.


As you breathe, bring the air into your belly to get ready to chant.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Now, inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.


Inhale to chant.




(Continue for two minutes)

Let your breathing return to normal. 

The beautiful, purple light still surrounds you. 

The areas above and around your head are surrounded by this beautiful light. Each breath you take is wisdom, connection, oneness, love. 

Repeat each of the following affirmations silently or aloud after it is spoken.


I am connected to infinite wisdom.

I have a deep wisdom that I can tap into at any time.

I am one with all things.

I am a divine soul.

I am balanced.

I am grateful and in awe of life.

I am inspired.

I feel Spirit moving within me.

I feel an overall contentment with life.

I am present.

I am love.

I am peace.


Spend a couple minutes in silence as you continue to keep this healing light energized. As you breathe, ribbons of purple weave in and around your head, in the space around you, infusing everything with connection, and wisdom.

Ending the meditation

Keep your eyes closed or capped as you near the end of this meditation. 

It’s important to come out of meditation slowly.

Bring your awareness back to the breath. Allow yourself to feel the in and out rhythm of the rise and fall of the breath.

On your next inhale, allow the fingers and toes to wiggle if you wish. Gently shift your arms or legs as needed. 

When you’re ready, open your eyes with a soft downward gaze. Keep your focus inward. 

Open your eyes fully as you’re ready. You may return to your day.