Life is messy. Can a walk solve the world’s problems? Sometimes life can just get to be too much. In those moments, I like to get outside to take a deep breath and go for a walk. Ergo, can a walk solve the world’s problems? What led me to ask this question...
Sharing My Values as a Meditation Teacher One of my last tasks before I finished my portfolio was to write my credo and to write about the things I value as a meditation teacher. My credo will soon be on the About Me page of the website. My values, however, I wanted...
Moments of Transcendence I was reading the book, Ordinary People as Monks & Mystics, and one line on p. 97 struck me: “During peak moments we come ‘out’ of ourselves and connect with something infinite, beyond self.” In my meditation practice, I’ve had some...
3.5 Sweet Benefits of Meditation From all the training and meditation I’m doing, I was prompted to write about 3.5 sweet benefits of meditation. Not quite four of them. Okay, maybe there are four or more. How does one choose? A Journey Within It’s actually...
Trying Different Mantras As part of my practice, I am trying out different mantras when I meditate. For the past few years, since about mid-2015, I have been focused on breath awareness. Basically, as a meditator, I sit and focus on the breath: its sounds, the rhythm,...
Ted Videos That Stoke Mindfulness and Meditative Qualities I am continuing to learn lots about meditation and what it does to the brain (like how it helps to keep it young!) and thought I would compile some pretty incredible TED videos about mindfulness and...
That which I’m experiencing as I’m going through meditation teacher training is…profound As soon as I got back from traveling out west, my I began my coursework. Each week brings a new unit of material to study, along with the prescribed reading,...
The Answers Lie Within As you may know, I am in the process of completing my meditation teacher training. I am at the beginning of Week 4 (has it already been four weeks!?). This journey is quite profound. Words cannot capture the level of transformation I’m...
Nine Spiritual Things You Learn While Traveling A couple weeks ago, on my last post, I shared that I was going to be doing some traveling. As I embarked on my journey, I quickly became aware of at least nine spiritual things you learn while traveling. I wasn’t...